Title: Tide Stuffing Run at Dominant Pace-Cecil Hurt Post by: Marshal Dillon on October 05, 2011, 12:59:51 PM Whoa! :o
[The University of Alabama ran for more yards against Florida Saturday than its defense has allowed through five games combined. And while the Crimson Tide's rushing total of 226 yards against the Gators was impressive enough, that it has allowed only 198 ground yards in the season to date is even more so. /color] http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1274401 Title: Re: Tide Stuffing Run at Dominant Pace-Cecil Hurt Post by: ricky023 on October 05, 2011, 01:14:30 PM I truly believe we have maybe the best defense in the history of Alabama football. I have seen a lot of Alabama games but none as one-sided as this year. I do think however, as Vandy has always been a thorn in our side we might show how much we have grown if we control them from start to finish. RTR!