Title: Ball placement after a first down has changed. Post by: Chechem on October 31, 2021, 12:27:22 PM I noticed this watching NFL games, and it appears the NCAA is doing it too. After a first down, refs place the ball on the closest full line, even if the runner was tackled between lines. It makes determining a first down easier. I Googled it, and someone had already asked about it. Here an NFL Ref response:
I am a football official and I can explain. You are correct about the bias. You are correct that it has little effect on the outcome of the game. However, you are incorrect to assume that the ball is placed on yard lines subconsciously. It is done intentionally. The reason for this is because of the first down markers. The offense must gain 10 yards within 4 downs to keep the drive going and maintain possession of the ball. Markers connected by a chain 10 yards long are used to designate the yardage the offense must gain to obtain the first down. If the offense is close to the first down, officials use the chains to determine whether they made it or not. Sometimes this involves bringing the chains on the field and actually measuring. I’m here to tell you, the officials hate having to measure for first downs. It disrupts the game, is extra work for them and takes up their time. So whenever the ball is close enough and they can get away with it, officials will place the ball on a yard line. This ensures that the 10 yard marker needed for a first down will be on a yard line and make the officials’ jobs easier. This also explains why the bias disappears when the ball is near the goal line. Once the ball is within ten yards of the goal line, the offense cannot obtain a first down. Therefore, the chains are not needed. Because of this, the officials receive no benefit from fudging the spot of the ball. Title: Re: Ball placement after a first down has changed. Post by: ricky023 on October 31, 2021, 01:01:39 PM Good find and question MR Chechem. Thanks because I have seen this happen. RTR!
Title: Re: Ball placement after a first down has changed. Post by: Chechem on October 31, 2021, 01:02:51 PM Good find and question MR Chechem. Thanks because I have seen this happen. RTR! I like it. :worship: Title: Re: Ball placement after a first down has changed. Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on November 01, 2021, 12:07:39 PM Steve Shaw (head of NCAA officials) also explained that within the last year or two.
The sticks almost never get brought out for measurement anymore. Title: Re: Ball placement after a first down has changed. Post by: carl childers on November 02, 2021, 01:59:58 PM I have been officiating HS ball for 25 years as an umpire - I place the ball. We always start a series on the line. Been doing it for years. It does keep the game going smoothly. Ball placement is not an exact science unless you use replay every single time.