Title: "Bryce Young & Will Anderson named SEC players of the year by AP" Post by: Chechem on December 09, 2021, 04:25:46 AM Alabama quarterback Bryce Young and linebacker Will Anderson were named the SEC Offensive and Defensive Players of the Year by the Associated Press, the outlet announced Wednesday. It marked the second straight year the Crimson Tide had the offensive and defensive players of the year, with DeVonta Smith and Patrick Surtain winning them in 2020....
https://247sports.com/college/alabama/Article/Alabama-Football-Bryce-Young-Will-Anderson-named-SEC-players-of-the-year-by-AP-177739539/ Title: Re: "Bryce Young & Will Anderson named SEC players of the year by AP" Post by: 2Stater on December 09, 2021, 05:21:45 AM Alabama quarterback Bryce Young and linebacker Will Anderson were named the SEC Offensive and Defensive Players of the Year by the Associated Press, the outlet announced Wednesday. It marked the second straight year the Crimson Tide had the offensive and defensive players of the year, with DeVonta Smith and Patrick Surtain winning them in 2020.... https://247sports.com/college/alabama/Article/Alabama-Football-Bryce-Young-Will-Anderson-named-SEC-players-of-the-year-by-AP-177739539/ And yet Anderson will be watching the Heisman ceremony on TV instead of being there. I'm still baffled by that. Title: Re: "Bryce Young & Will Anderson named SEC players of the year by AP" Post by: Chechem on December 09, 2021, 05:32:09 AM Alabama quarterback Bryce Young and linebacker Will Anderson were named the SEC Offensive and Defensive Players of the Year by the Associated Press, the outlet announced Wednesday. It marked the second straight year the Crimson Tide had the offensive and defensive players of the year, with DeVonta Smith and Patrick Surtain winning them in 2020.... https://247sports.com/college/alabama/Article/Alabama-Football-Bryce-Young-Will-Anderson-named-SEC-players-of-the-year-by-AP-177739539/ And yet Anderson will be watching the Heisman ceremony on TV instead of being there. I'm still baffled by that. Anderson was robbed. But not surprised, 'cause TV folks and Michigan promoted Hutchinson for the Heisman; Bama didn't push Anderson. Maybe it would have split the vote, which could have cost Bryce in a close vote. But after the Georgia game, Bryce would have won anyhow. Title: Re: "Bryce Young & Will Anderson named SEC players of the year by AP" Post by: N.AL-Tider on December 09, 2021, 09:14:48 AM The major narrative being pushed is to let a defensive player win the Heisman so they HAD to put one in the list of finalists. The Heisman voters just apparently didn't do their homework to determine which defensive player was/is the most deserving of consideration.
Title: Re: "Bryce Young & Will Anderson named SEC players of the year by AP" Post by: ricky023 on December 09, 2021, 09:15:30 AM I still believe the Heisman was a political thing when WILL was not included, like to Bama players again. That would help in recruiting and the media is not gonna let that happen if they can stop it. RTR!
Title: Re: "Bryce Young & Will Anderson named SEC players of the year by AP" Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 09, 2021, 09:18:10 AM I prefer an angry, disrespected Will Anderson. Especially if we end up playing Michigan.
Title: Re: "Bryce Young & Will Anderson named SEC players of the year by AP" Post by: cbbama99 on December 09, 2021, 10:24:04 AM I prefer an angry, disrespected Will Anderson. Especially if we end up playing Michigan. Bingo! Title: Re: "Bryce Young & Will Anderson named SEC players of the year by AP" Post by: ricky023 on December 09, 2021, 11:00:21 AM Yes sir if we play Michigan he is gonna be after the QB. RTR!
Title: Re: "Bryce Young & Will Anderson named SEC players of the year by AP" Post by: Marshal Dillon on December 10, 2021, 12:51:03 PM I prefer an angry, disrespected Will Anderson. Especially if we end up playing Michigan. :lol: Title: Re: "Bryce Young & Will Anderson named SEC players of the year by AP" Post by: 2Stater on December 10, 2021, 05:12:04 PM I prefer an angry, disrespected Will Anderson. Especially if we end up playing Michigan. Will playing angry = :popcorn2: |