Title: "Mizzou, SEC not ready to make relationship public" Post by: Chechem on October 06, 2011, 05:33:11 AM Quote When news broke last night that Missouri’s Board of Curators gave chancellor Brady Deaton the power to explore all conference affiliation options, the general consensus became that the move was the first step for the Tigers to leave the Big 12 for the SEC. But, until the dotted line is signed, you can only measure realignment news in varying degrees of probability. Deaton’s decision to step down as chairman for the Big 12 Board of Directors coupled with removing himself as the head of the re-adopted Big 12 expansion committee points to the idea that Deaton and Missouri could be trying to separate themselves from the Big 12′s front office. All of this cloak-and-dagger crap, and all of the back-room dealing, needs to end. Just man up. Does Missou want to join the SEC? "Say it." Does the SEC want Missou? "Say it." Slive is getting slimy about this expansion. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/05/mizzou-sec-not-ready-to-make-relationship-public/ Title: Re: "Mizzou, SEC not ready to make relationship public" Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 06, 2011, 05:46:54 AM Quote When news broke last night that Missouri’s Board of Curators gave chancellor Brady Deaton the power to explore all conference affiliation options, the general consensus became that the move was the first step for the Tigers to leave the Big 12 for the SEC. But, until the dotted line is signed, you can only measure realignment news in varying degrees of probability. Deaton’s decision to step down as chairman for the Big 12 Board of Directors coupled with removing himself as the head of the re-adopted Big 12 expansion committee points to the idea that Deaton and Missouri could be trying to separate themselves from the Big 12′s front office. All of this cloak-and-dagger crap, and all of the back-room dealing, needs to end. Just man up. Does Missou want to join the SEC? "Say it." Does the SEC want Missou? "Say it." Slive is getting slimy about this expansion. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/05/mizzou-sec-not-ready-to-make-relationship-public/ I don't think it is cloak-n-dagger. I believe it has to do with "special prosecuter" Kenneth Starr and avoiding any lawsuits from the Baylor president.. Title: Re: "Mizzou, SEC not ready to make relationship public" Post by: Chechem on October 06, 2011, 05:58:37 AM Quote When news broke last night that Missouri’s Board of Curators gave chancellor Brady Deaton the power to explore all conference affiliation options, the general consensus became that the move was the first step for the Tigers to leave the Big 12 for the SEC. But, until the dotted line is signed, you can only measure realignment news in varying degrees of probability. Deaton’s decision to step down as chairman for the Big 12 Board of Directors coupled with removing himself as the head of the re-adopted Big 12 expansion committee points to the idea that Deaton and Missouri could be trying to separate themselves from the Big 12′s front office. All of this cloak-and-dagger crap, and all of the back-room dealing, needs to end. Just man up. Does Missou want to join the SEC? "Say it." Does the SEC want Missou? "Say it." Slive is getting slimy about this expansion. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/05/mizzou-sec-not-ready-to-make-relationship-public/ Letting your intentions known, instead of hinting at them and making end-run comments, is not fodder for Kenneth Starr. All it does is cloud the issue and give false prominence to small people. Sad part: it's not about football at all now; just $$$. Title: Re: "Mizzou, SEC not ready to make relationship public" Post by: BAMADCHAMPSHIPS on October 06, 2011, 06:06:58 AM Quote When news broke last night that Missouri’s Board of Curators gave chancellor Brady Deaton the power to explore all conference affiliation options, the general consensus became that the move was the first step for the Tigers to leave the Big 12 for the SEC. But, until the dotted line is signed, you can only measure realignment news in varying degrees of probability. Deaton’s decision to step down as chairman for the Big 12 Board of Directors coupled with removing himself as the head of the re-adopted Big 12 expansion committee points to the idea that Deaton and Missouri could be trying to separate themselves from the Big 12′s front office. All of this cloak-and-dagger crap, and all of the back-room dealing, needs to end. Just man up. Does Missou want to join the SEC? "Say it." Does the SEC want Missou? "Say it." Slive is getting slimy about this expansion. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/05/mizzou-sec-not-ready-to-make-relationship-public/ Letting your intentions known, instead of hinting at them and making end-run comments, is not fodder for Kenneth Starr. All it does is cloud the issue and give false prominence to small people. Sad part: it's not about football at all now; just $$$. I thought it was about academia...... :plane2: Title: Re: "Mizzou, SEC not ready to make relationship public" Post by: Chechem on October 06, 2011, 06:15:01 AM Quote When news broke last night that Missouri’s Board of Curators gave chancellor Brady Deaton the power to explore all conference affiliation options, the general consensus became that the move was the first step for the Tigers to leave the Big 12 for the SEC. But, until the dotted line is signed, you can only measure realignment news in varying degrees of probability. Deaton’s decision to step down as chairman for the Big 12 Board of Directors coupled with removing himself as the head of the re-adopted Big 12 expansion committee points to the idea that Deaton and Missouri could be trying to separate themselves from the Big 12′s front office. All of this cloak-and-dagger crap, and all of the back-room dealing, needs to end. Just man up. Does Missou want to join the SEC? "Say it." Does the SEC want Missou? "Say it." Slive is getting slimy about this expansion. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/05/mizzou-sec-not-ready-to-make-relationship-public/ Letting your intentions known, instead of hinting at them and making end-run comments, is not fodder for Kenneth Starr. All it does is cloud the issue and give false prominence to small people. Sad part: it's not about football at all now; just $$$. I thought it was about academia...... :plane2: :lol: e-cred Unfortunately, it isn't about academia even in Ivy League football. Title: Re: "Mizzou, SEC not ready to make relationship public" Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 06, 2011, 06:16:28 AM Quote When news broke last night that Missouri’s Board of Curators gave chancellor Brady Deaton the power to explore all conference affiliation options, the general consensus became that the move was the first step for the Tigers to leave the Big 12 for the SEC. But, until the dotted line is signed, you can only measure realignment news in varying degrees of probability. Deaton’s decision to step down as chairman for the Big 12 Board of Directors coupled with removing himself as the head of the re-adopted Big 12 expansion committee points to the idea that Deaton and Missouri could be trying to separate themselves from the Big 12′s front office. All of this cloak-and-dagger crap, and all of the back-room dealing, needs to end. Just man up. Does Missou want to join the SEC? "Say it." Does the SEC want Missou? "Say it." Slive is getting slimy about this expansion. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/05/mizzou-sec-not-ready-to-make-relationship-public/ Letting your intentions known, instead of hinting at them and making end-run comments, is not fodder for Kenneth Starr. All it does is cloud the issue and give false prominence to small people. Sad part: it's not about football at all now; just $$$. I thought it was about academia...... :plane2: PF said yesterday that 'Bristol, Connecticut' was involved in conference expansions as much as the schools. All about TV markets and contracts. Title: Re: "Mizzou, SEC not ready to make relationship public" Post by: BAMAWV on October 06, 2011, 06:18:43 AM From the Missouri calls to PF their fanbase sure wants into the SEC. Of course, as PF pointed out, it wasn't long ago their 1st choice was the Big Ten. The SEC callers pretty much booed them down.
Title: Re: "Mizzou, SEC not ready to make relationship public" Post by: Chechem on October 06, 2011, 06:26:05 AM From the Missouri calls to PF their fanbase sure wants into the SEC. Of course, as PF pointed out, it wasn't long ago their 1st choice was the Big Ten. The SEC callers pretty much booed them down. I listened for a while yesterday when PF talked down that caller from Missou. Both were "fail". PF wouldn't let the guy make a point, constantly trying to quote statistics about Missou's lack of winning tradition, and the caller trying to quote stats about Missou's success against the SEC. Both embarrassed themselves. Missouri is a good school academically, not Vanderbilt, but better than MSU. They'll provide middle-of-the-pack teams for football and basketball. I guess they play baseball :dunno: . Mostly, as Crisp points out, they'll bring St. Louis into the conference, plus perhaps a fan base all the way to Kansas City. Problem is they bring in a mentality of frugal spending made famous by Harry Truman. Title: Re: "Mizzou, SEC not ready to make relationship public" Post by: td57 on October 06, 2011, 06:27:18 AM From the Missouri calls to PF their fanbase sure wants into the SEC. Of course, as PF pointed out, it wasn't long ago their 1st choice was the Big Ten. The SEC callers pretty much booed them down. I was for Missouri coming to the SEC until I read where they wanted in the big ten. If that's their first choice then the SEC's first choice should be a school that WANTS to be here. JMHO :popcorn2: Title: Re: "Mizzou, SEC not ready to make relationship public" Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 06, 2011, 08:30:46 AM From the Missouri calls to PF their fanbase sure wants into the SEC. Of course, as PF pointed out, it wasn't long ago their 1st choice was the Big Ten. The SEC callers pretty much booed them down. I was for Missouri coming to the SEC until I read where they wanted in the big ten. If that's their first choice then the SEC's first choice should be a school that WANTS to be here. JMHO :popcorn2: ^^^THIS^^^ Title: Re: "Mizzou, SEC not ready to make relationship public" Post by: McBaman on October 06, 2011, 11:27:48 AM Somehow I just don't see Mizzou to SEC. Sounds like they don't really have a plan/strategy and just want to look around. Maybe they want to push for getting Big 12 back to 12 teams.
I don't know what SEC will do. I hope Slive et al just wait a while. Some school that is "right" will approach SEC and then a move can be made. Another way of balancing level of competition would be to add a 'softer' team to SEC West. Somebody like Houston, Rice, SMU or such. |