Title: "Tight end Cameron Latu 'ready to go' for Alabama's game at Texas" Post by: Chechem on September 08, 2022, 04:51:56 AM https://247sports.com/college/alabama/Article/Alabama-Football-tight-end-Cameron-Latu-ready-to-go-for-road-game-at-Texas-Longhorns-192884478/
“Good,” said Saban of how Latu has looked in practice. “He’s doing well, 100 percent. Runs well, moves well. He practiced quite a bit last week, thought he needed another week to practice. This will be his first game, so it’ll be a little different for him and some of the other guys who got to play last week, but from a health standpoint, we think he’s ready to go.” ... Title: Re: "Tight end Cameron Latu 'ready to go' for Alabama's game at Texas" Post by: 2Stater on September 08, 2022, 06:20:17 AM https://247sports.com/college/alabama/Article/Alabama-Football-tight-end-Cameron-Latu-ready-to-go-for-road-game-at-Texas-Longhorns-192884478/ “Good,” said Saban of how Latu has looked in practice. “He’s doing well, 100 percent. Runs well, moves well. He practiced quite a bit last week, thought he needed another week to practice. This will be his first game, so it’ll be a little different for him and some of the other guys who got to play last week, but from a health standpoint, we think he’s ready to go.” ... Great news! Got tired of seeing the other TEs whiff on blocks. Title: Re: "Tight end Cameron Latu 'ready to go' for Alabama's game at Texas" Post by: Chechem on September 08, 2022, 06:28:10 AM https://247sports.com/college/alabama/Article/Alabama-Football-tight-end-Cameron-Latu-ready-to-go-for-road-game-at-Texas-Longhorns-192884478/ “Good,” said Saban of how Latu has looked in practice. “He’s doing well, 100 percent. Runs well, moves well. He practiced quite a bit last week, thought he needed another week to practice. This will be his first game, so it’ll be a little different for him and some of the other guys who got to play last week, but from a health standpoint, we think he’s ready to go.” ... Great news! Got tired of seeing the other TEs whiff on blocks. ... and not get separation from LBs on passes. :clap: Title: Re: "Tight end Cameron Latu 'ready to go' for Alabama's game at Texas" Post by: td57 on September 09, 2022, 05:37:53 AM https://247sports.com/college/alabama/Article/Alabama-Football-tight-end-Cameron-Latu-ready-to-go-for-road-game-at-Texas-Longhorns-192884478/ “Good,” said Saban of how Latu has looked in practice. “He’s doing well, 100 percent. Runs well, moves well. He practiced quite a bit last week, thought he needed another week to practice. This will be his first game, so it’ll be a little different for him and some of the other guys who got to play last week, but from a health standpoint, we think he’s ready to go.” ... Great news! Got tired of seeing the other TEs whiff on blocks. Yep, Brice's only sack came from a TE whiff. :stars: Title: Re: "Tight end Cameron Latu 'ready to go' for Alabama's game at Texas" Post by: Chechem on September 09, 2022, 06:19:01 AM Not sure how much Latu will participate in power plays, but glad he can help the passing game. Of course, Saban will play him anywhere.
"You good enough to run, you good enough the block." (https://external-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/emg1/v/t13/12977078722297383513?url=https%3A%2F%2Fon3static.com%2Fuploads%2Fdev%2Fassets%2Fcms%2F2022%2F08%2F10220408%2Fnick-saban-updates-receivers-room-status-criticizes-coaches-not-letting-them-play-on-field-alabama-f.jpg&fb_obo=1&utld=on3static.com&stp=c0.5000x0.5000f_dst-jpg_flffffff_p500x261_q75&ccb=13-1&oh=06_Aaql9l_vr9nzDnz7yWZWG50KNeFh3dlASSZ1X9OT6wfsDg&oe=631D044D&_nc_sid=a349d5) Title: Re: "Tight end Cameron Latu 'ready to go' for Alabama's game at Texas" Post by: ricky023 on September 09, 2022, 10:42:38 AM Glad he is well. RTR!