Title: "Bobby (Motorcycle Daddy) Petrino top candidate for Texas A&M OC opening" Post by: Chechem on December 10, 2022, 06:01:38 AM https://www.on3.com/college/texas-am-aggies/news/report-former-arkansas-coach-bobby-petrino-emerging-as-top-candidate-for-texas-am-oc-opening/?fbclid=IwAR3oseG_UtVpx4kkmX6aQZXUM6FXpTpZGsEsJzj7A_xLdTpzv-7BepAptYw
(https://on3static.com/cdn-cgi/image/height=417,width=795,quality=90,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5/uploads/dev/assets/cms/2022/12/09131154/Untitled-design-2022-12-09T141149.284.png) Texas A&M is in search of a new offensive coordinator following a very disappointing 2022 campaign on that side of the ball. According to college football insider Chris Hummer, one candidate to be the new OC: Bobby Petrino. That’s right, the former Falcons, Louisville, Arkansas and Western Kentucky coach who is now at Missouri State... Title: Re: "Bobby (Motorcycle Daddy) Petrino top candidate for Texas A&M OC opening" Post by: ricky023 on December 10, 2022, 06:53:55 AM Well I really don't want to see him go to Jimbo. RTR!
Title: Re: "Bobby (Motorcycle Daddy) Petrino top candidate for Texas A&M OC opening" Post by: pmull on December 10, 2022, 07:16:06 AM Petrino is a scum bag of a person, but he is a good offensive coach. Jimbo put a good defense on the field even in this train wreck of a season. Paired together they good be a problem. Just like at Auburn they do not care about morals and molding young men. They want to win now by any means necessary.