Title: "Jahmyr Gibbs explains why he decided to play in Sugar Bowl" Post by: Chechem on December 24, 2022, 07:38:31 AM https://www.on3.com/college/alabama-crimson-tide/news/jahmyr-gibbs-alabama-rb-play-sugar-bowl-opt-out-kansas-state/?fbclid=IwAR1AqCs8m5lwb2_9Ja167-C0P0Z3KOSjB4NX9Djzou7RQcMxG-9IoGHgvZU
“I think I was always gonna play,” Gibbs said. “I’ve never been in (a bowl game) and I wanted to experience that.” ... Title: Re: "Jahmyr Gibbs explains why he decided to play in Sugar Bowl" Post by: 2Stater on December 24, 2022, 08:26:15 AM https://www.on3.com/college/alabama-crimson-tide/news/jahmyr-gibbs-alabama-rb-play-sugar-bowl-opt-out-kansas-state/?fbclid=IwAR1AqCs8m5lwb2_9Ja167-C0P0Z3KOSjB4NX9Djzou7RQcMxG-9IoGHgvZU “I think I was always gonna play,” Gibbs said. “I’ve never been in (a bowl game) and I wanted to experience that.” ... I hope he gets 200 yds. #+ Title: Re: "Jahmyr Gibbs explains why he decided to play in Sugar Bowl" Post by: ricky023 on December 24, 2022, 09:44:58 AM This will be a real test for him. RTR!