Title: Crimson Red Sports Post by: 2Stater on April 29, 2023, 09:32:37 PM My daughter (Breddy) did some research on our beloved website here. She said that the domain wasn't renewed and that 'Amazon Ads' bought the CRS domain in August of 2022. It still doesn't answer the question of what happened to Supercoach, but the domain is still in business. Unfortunately, I fear the worst.
:( Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: Chechem on April 30, 2023, 04:37:51 AM My daughter (Breddy) did some research on our beloved website here. She said that the domain wasn't renewed and that 'Amazon Ads' bought the CRS domain in August of 2022. It still doesn't answer the question of what happened to Supercoach, but the domain is still in business. Unfortunately, I fear the worst. :( Well, at least the site will be maintained if that is true. It appears that no new members have been added in quite a while, and I haven't seen any trolls among the users. One of the jobs of SC was the block fake accounts (trolls) who constantly try to join. Maybe new membership was totally blocked. Regardless, I'm surprised the forum has lasted this long. We're probably being used as guinea pigs for some elaborate experiment to determine how stupid members can be on a dead forum. :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: 2Stater on April 30, 2023, 06:30:12 AM My daughter (Breddy) did some research on our beloved website here. She said that the domain wasn't renewed and that 'Amazon Ads' bought the CRS domain in August of 2022. It still doesn't answer the question of what happened to Supercoach, but the domain is still in business. Unfortunately, I fear the worst. :( Well, at least the site will be maintained if that is true. It appears that no new members have been added in quite a while, and I haven't seen any trolls among the users. One of the jobs of SC was the block fake accounts (trolls) who constantly try to join. Maybe new membership was totally blocked. Regardless, I'm surprised the forum has lasted this long. We're probably being used as guinea pigs for some elaborate experiment to determine how stupid members can be on a dead forum. :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: I hope they don't assign us IQs based on it. :lol2: Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: pmull on April 30, 2023, 08:16:11 AM My daughter (Breddy) did some research on our beloved website here. She said that the domain wasn't renewed and that 'Amazon Ads' bought the CRS domain in August of 2022. It still doesn't answer the question of what happened to Supercoach, but the domain is still in business. Unfortunately, I fear the worst. :( I wonder how long it will be before Amazon figures out we all have "ad block" turned on. Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: ricky023 on April 30, 2023, 08:28:17 AM We my prayer is I don't lose my friends I have on here. Whatever we have to do. I wonder if one of you who are lot more knowledge than me could take this over? RTR!
Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on April 30, 2023, 09:29:37 AM As much as I should know better than to disagree with a woman, the site shows the same owner since 2011, with it not set to expire until Feb 2024. Coach has gone through Amazon the whole time. SC has ownership info routed through an Identity Protection Service so the average Joe can't get his name and address, though legally it has to be on file somewhere.
If I were to guess, I think Breddy is seeing the transition of what SC did in this thread (Aug 2022): http://www.crimsonredsports.com/index.php?topic=53082.0 Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: 2Stater on April 30, 2023, 12:18:12 PM As much as I should know better than to disagree with a woman, the site shows the same owner since 2011, with it not set to expire until Feb 2024. Coach has gone through Amazon the whole time. SC has ownership info routed through an Identity Protection Service so the average Joe can't get his name and address, though legally it has to be on file somewhere. If I were to guess, I think Breddy is seeing the transition of what SC did in this thread (Aug 2022): http://www.crimsonredsports.com/index.php?topic=53082.0 That could very well be it, HL. Since you've run a site yourself, I certainly know you know what you're talking about. Will be interesting to see what happens next February. Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: ricky023 on April 30, 2023, 01:44:05 PM Can somebody in our group take over the site? RTR!
Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: Chechem on May 01, 2023, 06:36:54 AM Can somebody in our group take over the site? RTR! Go for it, Ricky. Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: ricky023 on May 01, 2023, 08:01:00 AM Can somebody in our group take over the site? RTR! Go for it, Ricky. I was asking if anybody knew how. Chechem my knowledge is only to turn on and off the computer and study my Bible. RTR! Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on May 01, 2023, 09:34:58 AM Can somebody in our group take over the site? RTR! Go for it, Ricky. I was asking if anybody knew how. Chechem my knowledge is only to turn on and off the computer and study my Bible. RTR! It's really not possible without SC's help. You'd need passwords, transfer of ownership, etc. Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: N.AL-Tider on May 01, 2023, 10:23:29 AM Wasn't SC wanting to do some changes to the board last year that most everyone balked at? If that's the case, he may have just decided to walk away from it and let it die a slow death without his input...
Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on May 01, 2023, 11:00:23 AM Wasn't SC wanting to do some changes to the board last year that most everyone balked at? If that's the case, he may have just decided to walk away from it and let it die a slow death without his input... He ended up putting in the work in Aug 2022 to keep the site running after his hosting service (Amazon Web Services) was forcing some changes. He last logged in October 30th 2022 according to the site data. Title: Re: Crimson Red Sports Post by: ricky023 on May 01, 2023, 11:55:17 AM Wasn't SC wanting to do some changes to the board last year that most everyone balked at? If that's the case, he may have just decided to walk away from it and let it die a slow death without his input... He ended up putting in the work in Aug 2022 to keep the site running after his hosting service (Amazon Web Services) was forcing some changes. He last logged in October 30th 2022 according to the site data. Did anybody ever get a contact number from him? RTR! |