Title: LSU's Tyrann 'Honey Badger' Mathieu is fearless and ferocious --over hyped? Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 08, 2011, 09:00:22 AM http://www.shreveporttimes.com/article/20111008/SPORTS0202/110080318/LSU-s-Tyrann-Honey-Badger-Mathieu-fearless-ferocious
Quote BATON ROUGE — It may be the most unique Heisman Trophy campaign in the 75-year history of the award. And no one really knows how the "Honey Badger for Heisman" phenomenon exactly began. LSU's athletic department doesn't. LSU's athletic department also has had nothing yet to do with any Heisman campaign for LSU sophomore cornerback Tyrann "Honey Badger" Mathieu, a small but masterfully cut 5-foot-8, 180-pound cornerback/special teams ace whose ferocious play and penchant for stealing the football is much like the hunting and eating habits of the powerfully sculpted but tiny honey badger of Africa. But the campaign is working. ESPN star analyst Kirk Herbstreit said this week his Heisman vote is for Mathieu, whom he calls the best player in the country after five games and better than trophy favorite Andrew Luck — the Stanford quarterback. Andre Ware, who won the 1989 Heisman as a Houston quarterback, is sweet on the Badger as well and said any Heisman voter has to be "crazy" not to consider Mathieu. "I don't go out on a limb talking Heisman in October," he said. "But that's how impressed I am." Two points to make here. I have seen LSU play some of their games. Alabama is better on both sides of the ball. Second point is, I don't think that much what any of the ESPN clowns say anymore. Only exception to this is Mark May. For the most part he calls it straight up without all the hype. Title: Re: LSU's Tyrann 'Honey Badger' Mathieu is fearless and ferocious --over hyped? Post by: BAMAWV on October 08, 2011, 09:25:36 AM KH is just trying to get the attention off how bad his team is. Not only is OSU a bunch of miserable cheaters, on home confinement, but they are not any good at football. The team we destroyed in January (should be heeled up by now) held them scoreless until :10 remaining in the game last weekend.