Title: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: Chechem on October 09, 2011, 06:24:46 AM (http://media.al.com/alphotos/photo/10125299-large.jpg)
Class? Just another weird Homecoming float. Those kids shouldn't drink while they're building the floats. http://blog.al.com/tuscaloosa/2011/10/what_do_you_think_hang_em_high.html Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 09, 2011, 07:46:10 AM My view? Well I think Updyke deserves all the criticism he receives and then some.
He is a coward. To slip down there in the cover of darkness and poison some trees and then call Finebaum's national radio show and basically brag about his deed shows what a sick clown he is. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't give a rats ass about those trees or Auburn. What I care about is the negative light his actions caused the Alabama Nation to be viewed in. His crime reflects poorly on the rest of the Alabama Nation. National news media painted all Bama fans with the same brush, as a bunch of classless country rubes, instead of looking at his actions as an isolated incident. I don't care if those kids had Bob Dylan standing on the same float with the Harvey hangman's noose, singing Desoiation Row. It was not insensitive for some college kids to have fun at Harvey Updyke's expense after what damage Updyke has caused. Desolation Row They’re selling postcards of the hanging They’re painting the passports brown The beauty parlor is filled with sailors The circus is in town Here comes the blind commissioner They’ve got him in a trance One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker The other is in his pants And the riot squad they’re restless They need somewhere to go As Lady and I look out tonight From Desolation Row Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: bama57 on October 09, 2011, 07:54:52 AM My view? Well I think Updyke deserves all the criticism he receives and then some. My thoughts exactly....he needs professional help!He is a coward. To slip down there in the cover of darkness and poison some trees and then call Finebaum's national radio show and basically brag about his deed shows what a sick clown he is. I Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: KoKoPuf on October 09, 2011, 09:26:28 AM I agree. Harvey damaged the image of all Bama fans.
Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: XBAMA on October 09, 2011, 09:48:55 AM unfortunately ole Harv has became quite the folk hero to some ...
I wish it had never happened myself because of the embarrassment to the U of A alone it was amazing the way that brush made those broad strokes reading the comments on the story was well ... :deadhorse: are the trees dead ? didn't they just roll them recently ? just no power wash afterwards ? Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: Dig Em on October 09, 2011, 01:37:02 PM It was really sad hearing Harvey on Finbaum's show last week. It really sounds like he is a broken man. Lets give him mercy. I be lieve he is sorry for his mistake.
Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: KoKoPuf on October 09, 2011, 01:42:20 PM I believe he is sorry he got caught.
Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: bamalum67 on October 09, 2011, 03:09:01 PM I have no words to adequately express my anger with this idiot...
when I was at The Capstone 1963-67, I met many other students from other states, some that just came to our University to experience the "turmoil" of the "school house stand", etc. etc. Most of them thought we were all rednecks who only wore shoes on Sunday, married our cousins, had sex with our sisters, ate co'n pone and black eyed peas, drank moonshine and laid around on the porch all day singing, "gloom, despair, and misery on me". Then when I entered the working world, I sometimes met the same kind of folks..all buying in to the stereotype. I am sure many of you have experienced the same thing. I love the State of my birth and my youth..I love my University, I love the good, honest, moral people of my State...and I do HATE anyone like this POS who did such a thing to add to the terribly wrong stereotype of southerners in general and Alabamians in particular.. I, too, could not care less about any tree...And I understand the anger of the Auburn people..I don't blame them. I am confident thinking people will not paint all of us with the same brush, but enough will that it sticks in my craw. From a legal standpoint, however, I'd have to say (and I am no attorney) that the crime is in reality nothing more than trespass, vandalism, something of that nature. But I will say that the intangible damage done is far greater and deserves the harshest punishment the court can apply. Let us hope that he gets a barner judge! Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: BAMAWV on October 09, 2011, 04:41:21 PM I have no words to adequately express my anger with this idiot... I just tell them to shut up!when I was at The Capstone 1963-67, I met many other students from other states, some that just came to our University to experience the "turmoil" of the "school house stand", etc. etc. Most of them thought we were all rednecks who only wore shoes on Sunday, married our cousins, had sex with our sisters, ate co'n pone and black eyed peas, drank moonshine and laid around on the porch all day singing, "gloom, despair, and misery on me". Then when I entered the working world, I sometimes met the same kind of folks..all buying in to the stereotype. I am sure many of you have experienced the same thing. I love the State of my birth and my youth..I love my University, I love the good, honest, moral people of my State...and I do HATE anyone like this POS who did such a thing to add to the terribly wrong stereotype of southerners in general and Alabamians in particular.. I, too, could not care less about any tree...And I understand the anger of the Auburn people..I don't blame them. I am confident thinking people will not paint all of us with the same brush, but enough will that it sticks in my craw. From a legal standpoint, however, I'd have to say (and I am no attorney) that the crime is in reality nothing more than trespass, vandalism, something of that nature. But I will say that the intangible damage done is far greater and deserves the harshest punishment the court can apply. Let us hope that he gets a barner judge! Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: Marshal Dillon on October 09, 2011, 07:08:02 PM I believe he is sorry he got caught. BINGO!!! He played with fire and got burned and now he wants to whine and play the "victim" card. Sorry, I don't want to hear it. I am so proud of my posters here for condemning his behavior and not buying into his self-pity. :-* Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: BamaPHD on October 09, 2011, 09:27:40 PM After hearing him on Finebaum (the glory of satellite radio), I think man may be mentally ill.
Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: Marshal Dillon on October 09, 2011, 09:32:57 PM After hearing him on Finebaum (the glory of satellite radio), I think man may be mentally ill. I agree, the man is not all there and he may need help. Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: BAMAWV on October 09, 2011, 09:40:19 PM After hearing him on Finebaum (the glory of satellite radio), I think man may be mentally ill. I agree, the man is not all there and he may need help. Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 09, 2011, 10:59:43 PM After hearing him on Finebaum (the glory of satellite radio), I think man may be mentally ill. I agree, the man is not all there and he may need help. Do you know this man? (http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox/breaking-bad-s4-finale.jpg) Title: Re: "What's your view? Hang 'em high message for a tree poisoner" Post by: Terrie1959 on October 10, 2011, 01:06:32 PM First - I agree with all of you about his actions. He IS an embarrassment to the Bama Nation. Every team has that one fan that is an embarrassment. But, two wrongs don't make a right and I believe that float was wrong. It was in extremely poor taste and not necessary.
I think Mr. Updyke underestimated the consequences of his actions. Would he do it again? I don't think so. However, he did break the law and deserves FAIR legal justice just like we would. He did sound pitiful on the PF show last week. I do feel sorry for him though. |