Title: Update: Olive Garden apologizes to Kiwanis Club - welcomes American Flags! Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 13, 2011, 02:53:29 PM http://www.myfoxal.com/story/15681535/olive-garden-apologizes-to-kiwanis-club
Quote OXFORD, AL (WBRC) - Olive Garden apologizes for refusing to allow 80-year-old Marti Warren bring an American flag into their restaurant during her Kiwanis Club award banquet last week. Olive Garden issued this statement: "We are very sorry for any misunderstanding about this issue. We do not have a policy at Olive Garden concerning bringing the American flag into our restaurants. Some members of our team were misinformed about company policy by our corporate office. As a company, we take responsibility for that and we regret it. We take pride in how we communicate to our restaurants and we are correcting this so it doesn't happen again. Like all Americans, we have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for the American flag and everything it symbolizes, and we welcome anyone who wishes to bring the flag into our restaurants. In fact, we periodically provide American flag collar pins to our employees to wear while serving guests." Marti Warren says the vice president of the company contacted her today and will be coming to Oxford to personally apologize to all the Golden K Kiwanis Club members. Title: Re: Update: Olive Garden apologizes to Kiwanis Club - welcomes American Flags! Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 13, 2011, 03:37:12 PM It sounds like a simple misunderstanding and the company is on top of it. Good for them.