Title: Is LSU's Tyrann Mathieu AKA The Honey Badger, running his mouth too much? Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 16, 2011, 02:54:20 PM http://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/2011/is-mathieu-running-his-mouth-too-much/?utm_source=SDS&utm_medium=twitter
Quote I get the idea of swagger and playing with confidence. Both can be helpful – especially for defensive personnel. But, the honey badger, Tyrann Mathieu, may be taking this a bit far. Prior to the Tennessee game, he tweeted how the Vols’ receiver Da’Rick Rogers wouldn’t catch anything. Well, he did. Not that Mathieu didn’t play well. He did. Allowing a stud receiver like Rogers to get the ball a few times doesn’t equate to playing bad, but Mathieu runs his mouth the entire game. As you can see in the above clip, Rogers didn’t mind talking a little trash back after making the 44 yard catch shown above. Title: Re: Is LSU's Tyrann Mathieu AKA The Honey Badger, running his mouth too much? Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 16, 2011, 03:03:35 PM I hope so. We have a way of shutting up the big mouths. Ask that Ole Miss QB, what was his name?
Title: Re: Is LSU's Tyrann Mathieu AKA The Honey Badger, running his mouth too much? Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 16, 2011, 03:21:20 PM I can't wait to see TR run over him, or break his ankles.
Title: Re: Is LSU's Tyrann Mathieu AKA The Honey Badger, running his mouth too much? Post by: McBaman on October 16, 2011, 03:27:33 PM I hope the Who's guys run their mouths 'till their jaws are tired. It's motovation for our guys and if they believe their mouths, maybe they will come in overconfident.
I also hope our guys keep their mouths shut and do their talking on the field. Title: Re: Is LSU's Tyrann Mathieu AKA The Honey Badger, running his mouth too much? Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 16, 2011, 03:30:55 PM I hope the Who's guys run their mouths 'till their jaws are tired. It's motovation for our guys and if they believe their mouths, maybe they will come in overconfident. I also hope our guys keep their mouths shut and do their talking on the field. ^^^THIS^^^ |