Title: Jim Harbaugh - Jim Schwartz Brawl: Harbaugh unapologetic about emotional style! Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 16, 2011, 08:28:21 PM http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=dw-wetzel_jim_harbaugh_jim_schwartz_brawl_101611
Quote (http://l.yimg.com/iu/api/res/1.2/H2sBhlw0elxqvWL8jVOL7Q--/YXBwaWQ9eXZpZGVvO2NyPTA7ZHg9MDtkeT0wO2ZpPXVsY3JvcA--/http://l.yimg.com/j/assets/ipt/Harbaugh-and-Schwartz-Gstor.jpg) DETROIT – Here came San Francisco 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh, right down the row of towel-draped, 300-pound offensive linemen in the San Francisco locker room. The 49ers had just defeated the Detroit Lions 25-19, a victory punctuated by a near postgame brawl between Harbaugh and his Lions counterpart, Jim Schwartz. “It was a bar fight,” Harbaugh kept shouting as he hugged, held and hammered on the shoulders of Mike Iupati(notes) and Anthony Davis and the rest of the behemoths who had helped the Niners roll up 203 rushing yards on Ndamukong Suh(notes) and the gang. “It was a da#@ bar fight out there,” the Niners coach reiterated. The hottest coach in the NFL was laughing and smiling and bouncing around. This was nirvana for the Niners, now 5-1. “Who’s got it better than us?” Harbaugh had asked his team after the game and, like always, they shouted “no one.” Who can argue now? The Niners walked into Detroit and slapped the season’s first loss on the Lions. Then their coach, admittedly out of control with glee, delivered an overaggressive handshake of Schwartz that led to a huge scrum near the Ford Field tunnel. Title: Re: Jim Harbaugh - Jim Schwartz Brawl: Harbaugh unapologetic about emotional style! Post by: ricky023 on October 16, 2011, 08:54:52 PM Well it is pretty much proven that sportsmanship it seems is thrown aside from coaches as well as young players. I always liked Harbaugh but then I guess I didn't know him. RTR!