Title: Occupy Oakland Panic: ‘The Porta Potties Are Full!’ Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 17, 2011, 04:59:27 PM http://townhall.com/columnists/kyleolson/2011/10/17/occupyoakland_panic_%e2%80%98the_potties_are_full
Quote The Occupy Oakland movement officially kicked off on Monday, October 10 at 4 pm. In a bold act of solidarity, the Oakland Education Association provided the occupiers with four Porta-Potty units, but that wasn’t enough for a movement as large as this one. An email obtained by Education Action Group from an Occupy Oakland leader explains the problem: “If you didn’t already know, OEA has pulled through and donated some funds to have porta-potties available at Occupy Oakland. … People are really grateful to see how the teachers are supporting this. However, less than a day later, the potties are already full! They cost $35 a unit to service, and there are four units. We need to gather some funds to either add more units, or to make a consistent servicing schedule throughout the occupation. … Please email me if you are able to help with monetary donations!” In a short amount of time, the occupiers have issued an impressive amount of communiqué, of which the Porta-Potty SOS email was only a part. Title: Re: Occupy Oakland Panic: ‘The Porta Potties Are Full!’ Post by: BAMAWV on October 17, 2011, 05:17:28 PM http://townhall.com/columnists/kyleolson/2011/10/17/occupyoakland_panic_%e2%80%98the_potties_are_full Sounds like these trashy people are deciding between cleaning out the full POPs or just ordering more. LOLQuote The Occupy Oakland movement officially kicked off on Monday, October 10 at 4 pm. In a bold act of solidarity, the Oakland Education Association provided the occupiers with four Porta-Potty units, but that wasn’t enough for a movement as large as this one. An email obtained by Education Action Group from an Occupy Oakland leader explains the problem: “If you didn’t already know, OEA has pulled through and donated some funds to have porta-potties available at Occupy Oakland. … People are really grateful to see how the teachers are supporting this. However, less than a day later, the potties are already full! They cost $35 a unit to service, and there are four units. We need to gather some funds to either add more units, or to make a consistent servicing schedule throughout the occupation. … Please email me if you are able to help with monetary donations!” In a short amount of time, the occupiers have issued an impressive amount of communiqué, of which the Porta-Potty SOS email was only a part. Title: Re: Occupy Oakland Panic: ‘The Porta Potties Are Full!’ Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 17, 2011, 05:42:52 PM http://townhall.com/columnists/kyleolson/2011/10/17/occupyoakland_panic_%e2%80%98the_potties_are_full Quote The Occupy Oakland movement officially kicked off on Monday, October 10 at 4 pm. In a bold act of solidarity, the Oakland Education Association provided the occupiers with four Porta-Potty units, but that wasn’t enough for a movement as large as this one. An email obtained by Education Action Group from an Occupy Oakland leader explains the problem: “If you didn’t already know, OEA has pulled through and donated some funds to have porta-potties available at Occupy Oakland. … People are really grateful to see how the teachers are supporting this. However, less than a day later, the potties are already full! They cost $35 a unit to service, and there are four units. We need to gather some funds to either add more units, or to make a consistent servicing schedule throughout the occupation. … Please email me if you are able to help with monetary donations!” In a short amount of time, the occupiers have issued an impressive amount of communiqué, of which the Porta-Potty SOS email was only a part. :lol: I guess those guys are just full of.... uh, never mind. :-[ Title: Re: Occupy Oakland Panic: ‘The Porta Potties Are Full!’ Post by: cbbama99 on October 17, 2011, 07:41:00 PM http://townhall.com/columnists/kyleolson/2011/10/17/occupyoakland_panic_%e2%80%98the_potties_are_full Quote The Occupy Oakland movement officially kicked off on Monday, October 10 at 4 pm. In a bold act of solidarity, the Oakland Education Association provided the occupiers with four Porta-Potty units, but that wasn’t enough for a movement as large as this one. An email obtained by Education Action Group from an Occupy Oakland leader explains the problem: “If you didn’t already know, OEA has pulled through and donated some funds to have porta-potties available at Occupy Oakland. … People are really grateful to see how the teachers are supporting this. However, less than a day later, the potties are already full! They cost $35 a unit to service, and there are four units. We need to gather some funds to either add more units, or to make a consistent servicing schedule throughout the occupation. … Please email me if you are able to help with monetary donations!” In a short amount of time, the occupiers have issued an impressive amount of communiqué, of which the Porta-Potty SOS email was only a part. :lol: I guess those guys are just full of.... uh, never mind. :-[ Beat me to it, SC. :lol: |