Title: Alabama football video: Who's practicing in right guard Anthony Steen's spot? Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 17, 2011, 06:09:33 PM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/10/alabama_football_video_whos_pr.html
Quote TUSCALOOSA, Alabama -- Right guard Anthony Steen suffered a concussion Saturday in Alabama's 52-7 victory at Ole Miss. He was dressed for practice and wasn't in a black non-contact jersey. In one pairing, John Michael Boswell (67) was next to right tackle D.J. Fluker (76), and in another, Alfred McCullough (52) was next to center William Vlachos (73). In other pairings, McCullough was next to right tackle Austin Shepherd and Boswell was next to backup center Kellen Williams. What? You were thinking Barrett Jones would go back to right guard and freshman Cyrus Kouandjio would move up to the first team at left tackle? That didn't happen ... during the media's period of observation. |