Title: SIAP: "Demonstrations, poll fuel NY millionaire tax push" Post by: cbbama99 on October 17, 2011, 07:51:20 PM Another example of why so-called "progressives" just don't seem to get it:
http://news.yahoo.com/demonstrations-poll-fuel-ny-millionaire-tax-push-193921555.html Title: Re: SIAP: "Demonstrations, poll fuel NY millionaire tax push" Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 17, 2011, 08:00:03 PM Quote Standing in the way of renewing the current surcharge on the wealthy and Silver's millionaire tax plan are Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his fiscal ally, the Republican majority of the Senate. Cuomo says taxing wealthier New Yorkers at higher levels would likely send the rich to Connecticut and New Jersey, taking their income tax revenue and jobs with them. Title: Re: SIAP: "Demonstrations, poll fuel NY millionaire tax push" Post by: cbbama99 on October 17, 2011, 08:02:30 PM Quote Standing in the way of renewing the current surcharge on the wealthy and Silver's millionaire tax plan are Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his fiscal ally, the Republican majority of the Senate. Cuomo says taxing wealthier New Yorkers at higher levels would likely send the rich to Connecticut and New Jersey, taking their income tax revenue and jobs with them. Bingo. Amazingly, the protesters and supporter of such a tax don't seem to comprehend this. Title: Re: SIAP: "Demonstrations, poll fuel NY millionaire tax push" Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 17, 2011, 08:23:36 PM Quote Standing in the way of renewing the current surcharge on the wealthy and Silver's millionaire tax plan are Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his fiscal ally, the Republican majority of the Senate. Cuomo says taxing wealthier New Yorkers at higher levels would likely send the rich to Connecticut and New Jersey, taking their income tax revenue and jobs with them. Bingo. Amazingly, the protesters and supporter of such a tax don't seem to comprehend this. Many thousands of workers in NYC live out of state already because of high taxes. |