Title: Volsxtra: Alabama not just another team to Vols Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 17, 2011, 09:18:46 PM http://www.govolsxtra.com/news/2011/oct/17/alabama-not-just-another-team-to-vols/
Quote So rather than treat the Crimson Tide like everybody else, in some ways the Vols are instead focusing on both the familiarity and the traditional contempt as they gear up for a trip to Bryant-Denny Stadium. "(Linebackers coach Peter) Sirmon did say it again, that it's another week, a nameless, faceless opponent," senior Austin Johnson said. "But you know, when you think of Alabama, you always want to leave the University of Tennessee saying you beat them. Johnson offered high praise for running back Trent Richardson and called him even better than Mark Ingram, a Heisman Trophy winner and first-round draft pick who used to share the load with the junior at Alabama. Defensive tackle Daniel Hood called the Crimson Tide "exponentially more physical" on the offensive line than LSU, a team that piled up 237 yards rushing and seemed to physically wear down the Vols last week in a 38-7 win. Even Vols coach Derek Dooley got in the act, labeling this Nick Saban's best Alabama team and calling the defense the most physically dominating he's "seen in the modern era of football." Title: Re: Volsxtra: Alabama not just another team to Vols Post by: Chechem on October 17, 2011, 09:22:02 PM What's this, a new tactic? The white flag before the kickoff. :dunno: Title: Re: Volsxtra: Alabama not just another team to Vols Post by: BAMAWV on October 17, 2011, 11:45:24 PM What's this, a new tactic? The white flag before the kickoff. :dunno: "OK guys. Lets get out there and not get hurt." |