Title: "Lee Roy Jordan likes what he sees in Alabama's defense" Post by: Chechem on October 18, 2011, 05:39:43 AM (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51B0gil4mEL._SL500_AA300_.jpg)
Quote If ever there was a college football player who understood defensive football -- what it takes, what makes it special, how to play it -- it's former Alabama All-America linebacker Lee Roy Jordan. The player of whom former football coach Paul "Bear" Bryant once said, "If they stay inside the white lines, Lee Roy will get 'em," sees a lot he likes about Alabama's 2011 defense. "I think the pressure they put on the running game and the quarterback (is the key)," Jordan said... http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/10/jordan_likes_what_he_sees_in_a.html Title: Re: "Lee Roy Jordan likes what he sees in Alabama's defense" Post by: Jamos on October 18, 2011, 06:46:27 AM "Teaching the game of life", that is so important for these young men because only a very small percentage make it to the professional level. :clap:
Title: Re: "Lee Roy Jordan likes what he sees in Alabama's defense" Post by: Chechem on October 18, 2011, 06:50:49 AM "Teaching the game of life", that is so important for these young men because only a very small percentage make it to the professional level. :clap: So true. Boy, who would have known that Lee Roy would become such an ambassador of Alabama football? He has been a steady, rock-solid supporter of college football (generally) and Alabama football (specifically) for many years now. Title: Re: "Lee Roy Jordan likes what he sees in Alabama's defense" Post by: Jamos on October 18, 2011, 07:00:23 AM "Teaching the game of life", that is so important for these young men because only a very small percentage make it to the professional level. :clap: So true. Boy, who would have known that Lee Roy would become such an ambassador of Alabama football? He has been a steady, rock-solid supporter of college football (generally) and Alabama football (specifically) for many years now. A few years back I would help the RISE Program with some of the University functions where I would see a lot of the players from the past and Leroy was my favorite, he always had a smile and wasn't afraid to speak to you. He still looks like he could dress out and play, he has taken very good care of himself. Have you ever seen his ranch off the interstate going to Dallas, he's got a pretty big spread there. Title: Re: "Lee Roy Jordan likes what he sees in Alabama's defense" Post by: Chechem on October 18, 2011, 07:04:43 AM "Teaching the game of life", that is so important for these young men because only a very small percentage make it to the professional level. :clap: So true. Boy, who would have known that Lee Roy would become such an ambassador of Alabama football? He has been a steady, rock-solid supporter of college football (generally) and Alabama football (specifically) for many years now. A few years back I would help the RISE Program with some of the University functions where I would see a lot of the players from the past and Leroy was my favorite, he always had a smile and wasn't afraid to speak to you. He still looks like he could dress out and play, he has taken very good care of himself. Have you ever seen his ranch off the interstate going to Dallas, he's got a pretty big spread there. Never seen his ranch, but I knew he had one. He's one of the few former players of the 60s era that I haven't met. But I'd enjoy a handshake and a chat. Off to work... |