Title: Andy Staples - Latest College Footbal Rankings...SIAP Post by: #1Tidefan on October 19, 2011, 12:02:32 AM Viral Style? where does this kid get his info?...lol
Alabama Crimson Tide (7-0) Inmates in the Philippines recreate Thriller: Rick Cleveland of the Jackson (Miss.) Clarion-Ledger noticed this astounding statistic while covering Alabama's throttling of Ole Miss on Saturday. Ole Miss took a 7-0 lead with a 72-yard drive on its first possession. By the time Ole Miss cracked 80 total yards, it was late in the third quarter and Alabama had built a 45-7 lead. Even against an overmatched opponent, it requires incredible discipline to hold an offense to eight yards for two and a half quarters. How much discipline? Probably the same amount of discipline required to make an entire yard full of inmates recreate a classic video without shanking one another. Last game: Beat Ole Miss, 52-7 Next game: Saturday vs. Tennessee http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/andy_staples/10/18/viral-video-power-rankings/index.html?eref=sihp&sct=hp_wr_a2 Title: Re: Andy Staples - Latest College Footbal Rankings...SIAP Post by: BAMAWV on October 19, 2011, 04:32:48 AM Quote Ole Miss took a 7-0 lead with a 72-yard drive on its first possession. By the time Ole Miss cracked 80 total yards, it was late in the third quarter and Alabama had built a 45-7 lead. I recommend #13 #14 #15 #16 Title: Re: Andy Staples - Latest College Footbal Rankings...SIAP Post by: Chechem on October 19, 2011, 05:26:15 AM This article is probably funnier during the late evening, after several beers. :dunno: Title: Re: Andy Staples - Latest College Footbal Rankings...SIAP Post by: bamaphil on October 19, 2011, 05:33:44 AM This article is probably funnier during the late evening, after several beers. :dunno: Some of the videos might be funny, but I don't know since my internet speed from around mid-morning to sometime after midnight is usually equivalent to 56K dial-up. I didn't find the article humorous or entertaining at all. Title: Re: Andy Staples - Latest College Footbal Rankings...SIAP Post by: Chechem on October 19, 2011, 05:50:14 AM This article is probably funnier during the late evening, after several beers. :dunno: Some of the videos might be funny, but I don't know since my internet speed from around mid-morning to sometime after midnight is usually equivalent to 56K dial-up. I didn't find the article humorous or entertaining at all. There you are, folks. Thanks to our Chinese connection and some Great Wall Beer, we were immediately able to test my hypothesis and confirm what many of us suspected (albeit very slowly). :-\ Title: Re: Andy Staples - Latest College Footbal Rankings...SIAP Post by: BAMAWV on October 19, 2011, 11:08:45 AM This article is probably funnier during the late evening, after several beers. :dunno: Some of the videos might be funny, but I don't know since my internet speed from around mid-morning to sometime after midnight is usually equivalent to 56K dial-up. I didn't find the article humorous or entertaining at all. There you are, folks. Thanks to our Chinese connection and some Great Wall Beer, we were immediately able to test my hypothesis and confirm what many of us suspected (albeit very slowly). :-\ |