Title: Hanks handles the hops Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 20, 2011, 12:14:36 PM http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1281747
Quote TUSCALOOSA | Darius Hanks traded his one leather glove for a pair a football gloves a long time ago, but the baseball background of the University of Alabama's wide receiver made itself useful last weekend in Alabama's 52-7 win over Ole Miss. And may make itself useful again before season's end. The UA coaching staff chose Hanks to assist Marquis Maze on punt returns against the Rebels, in anticipation of rugby-style punting from Ole Miss punter Tyler Campbell. Rugby punts call for the punter to run a few steps with the ball laterally before punting with a low trajectory, away from the primary return man, creating a long bounce-and-roll effect that is difficult to judge and even more difficult to return. |