Title: Tide Buzz: No. 2 Alabama (7-0) vs. Tennessee (3-3) Post by: Terrie1959 on October 22, 2011, 06:58:10 AM Three things to look for:
1. Third down. Tennessee leads the SEC with a 54.3 percent conversion rate. Alabama (51.1) ranks second. It has converted 60.7 of its third downs in four SEC games. 2. Rushing. Alabama leads the SEC with 241.6 yards rushing per game. Tennessee ranks last (89). Alabama leads the nation in rushing defense (38.1). 3. Passing. Tennessee ranks second in the SEC in passing (294 yards per game), but its best QB is out. Alabama leads the league in pass-efficiency defense. Tide opponents have completed only 48 percent of their passes, and Alabama leads the SEC in sacks (15). http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/10/tide_buzz_no_2_alabama_7-0_vs.html (http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/10/tide_buzz_no_2_alabama_7-0_vs.html) Title: Re: Tide Buzz: No. 2 Alabama (7-0) vs. Tennessee (3-3) Post by: SeniorTSM on October 22, 2011, 07:28:32 AM wow I didn't know that Bama lead the leauge in Sacks, I knew that the D was much better there this year but this is great!
Title: Re: Tide Buzz: No. 2 Alabama (7-0) vs. Tennessee (3-3) Post by: pmull on October 22, 2011, 07:42:32 AM wow I didn't know that Bama lead the leauge in Sacks, I knew that the D was much better there this year but this is great! Have you noticed the opposing teams QB's being helped off the field a lot this year. 8) Title: Re: Tide Buzz: No. 2 Alabama (7-0) vs. Tennessee (3-3) Post by: ricky023 on October 22, 2011, 09:41:04 AM I think our stats are great hopefully, we can pad them today. I am hoping that we don't actually injure another QB today. RTR!