Title: "LSU vs. Alabama drama unleashed headed into bye week" Post by: Chechem on October 24, 2011, 05:20:56 AM Quote TUSCALOOSA — Throw open the hatch and climb out from that silly fallout shelter. The coast is clear. You can now mention the letters L-S-U in succession around the Alabama football program. Heck, even coach Nick Saban calmly mentioned the Crimson Tide’s opponent after Saturday night’s third-quarter win over Tennessee. There’s no stopping the two weeks of obnoxious coverage from people like me before LSU comes to Tuscaloosa on Nov. 5. Both have a bye this week, conveniently building the crescendo of crazy... http://annistonstar.com/bookmark/16150880?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AnnistonStar%2FTideSports+%28Anniston+Star+Tide+Sports%29 |