Title: Greg Gantt, former Alabama punter, dies Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 26, 2011, 04:55:11 PM http://www.cbs42.com/sports/story/Greg-Gantt-former-Alabama-punter-dies/3XVJ2Bty_Eeb6TkZtGG5kw.cspx?rss=2272&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
Quote Birmingham, AL (WIAT) - Most Auburn fans who are a little bit older can't help but crack a smile when the phrase "Punt, Bama, Punt" is uttered. The famous game played on December 2, 1972 is burned into their memory because Auburn blocked two punts in the final 10 minutes of the game to win 17-16. . The man kicking those blocked punts, Greg Gantt, has passed away. Despite having those punts blocked, Mr. Gantt enjoyed a All-SEC career for 3 years at Alabama and played two years for the New York Jets in 1974 and 1975. After that he worked in the recycling industry, starting several companies. While he played a part in a notorious part of Alabama history, remember that Gantt got his revenge the next year, when Alabama beat Auburn 35-0. Mr. Gantt is survived by 2 daughters and 2 sisters Title: Re: Greg Gantt, former Alabama punter, dies Post by: 2Stater on October 26, 2011, 04:58:59 PM http://www.cbs42.com/sports/story/Greg-Gantt-former-Alabama-punter-dies/3XVJ2Bty_Eeb6TkZtGG5kw.cspx?rss=2272&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Quote Birmingham, AL (WIAT) - Most Auburn fans who are a little bit older can't help but crack a smile when the phrase "Punt, Bama, Punt" is uttered. The famous game played on December 2, 1972 is burned into their memory because Auburn blocked two punts in the final 10 minutes of the game to win 17-16. . The man kicking those blocked punts, Greg Gantt, has passed away. Despite having those punts blocked, Mr. Gantt enjoyed a All-SEC career for 3 years at Alabama and played two years for the New York Jets in 1974 and 1975. After that he worked in the recycling industry, starting several companies. While he played a part in a notorious part of Alabama history, remember that Gantt got his revenge the next year, when Alabama beat Auburn 35-0. Mr. Gantt is survived by 2 daughters and 2 sisters It doesn't say in the article how he died. Anybody know? Title: Re: Greg Gantt, former Alabama punter, dies Post by: pmull on October 26, 2011, 06:02:04 PM http://www.cbs42.com/sports/story/Greg-Gantt-former-Alabama-punter-dies/3XVJ2Bty_Eeb6TkZtGG5kw.cspx?rss=2272&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Quote Birmingham, AL (WIAT) - Most Auburn fans who are a little bit older can't help but crack a smile when the phrase "Punt, Bama, Punt" is uttered. The famous game played on December 2, 1972 is burned into their memory because Auburn blocked two punts in the final 10 minutes of the game to win 17-16. . The man kicking those blocked punts, Greg Gantt, has passed away. Despite having those punts blocked, Mr. Gantt enjoyed a All-SEC career for 3 years at Alabama and played two years for the New York Jets in 1974 and 1975. After that he worked in the recycling industry, starting several companies. While he played a part in a notorious part of Alabama history, remember that Gantt got his revenge the next year, when Alabama beat Auburn 35-0. Mr. Gantt is survived by 2 daughters and 2 sisters It doesn't say in the article how he died. Anybody know? Quote He had suffered from heart problems and diabetes and had his left leg amputated recently http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/10/former_tide_punter_greg_gantt.html Title: Re: Greg Gantt, former Alabama punter, dies Post by: 2Stater on October 26, 2011, 06:10:27 PM Thanks, pmull. He was a great punter. Prayers for the family.
Title: Re: Greg Gantt, former Alabama punter, dies Post by: XBAMA on October 26, 2011, 06:40:14 PM sorry to hear about Greg ... :pray:
Dear God I Hated Those Bumper Stickers ! da#@ barners >:( Title: Re: Greg Gantt, former Alabama punter, dies Post by: Jamos on October 26, 2011, 07:43:31 PM Oh man, that is just terrible. :( :pray:
Title: Re: Greg Gantt, former Alabama punter, dies Post by: BAMAWV on October 26, 2011, 07:50:03 PM Roll Tide!
Title: Re: Greg Gantt, former Alabama punter, dies Post by: Chechem on October 26, 2011, 07:59:56 PM I'll add him and his family to my prayers.
My prayer list is growing. One of my colleagues from work was found dead yesterday (heart attack). Title: Re: Greg Gantt, former Alabama punter, dies Post by: 2Stater on October 26, 2011, 08:01:18 PM I'll add him and his family to my prayers. My prayer list is growing. One of my colleagues from work was found dead yesterday (heart attack). :pray: Title: Re: Greg Gantt, former Alabama punter, dies Post by: McBaman on October 27, 2011, 11:19:31 AM This is sad. Greg was one of the best punters in Bama history. For him, 50 yds was a 'not unusual' kick. We could sure use one like him now.
Title: Re: Greg Gantt, former Alabama punter, dies Post by: cbbama99 on October 27, 2011, 11:23:06 AM http://www.cbs42.com/sports/story/Greg-Gantt-former-Alabama-punter-dies/3XVJ2Bty_Eeb6TkZtGG5kw.cspx?rss=2272&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Quote Birmingham, AL (WIAT) - Most Auburn fans who are a little bit older can't help but crack a smile when the phrase "Punt, Bama, Punt" is uttered. The famous game played on December 2, 1972 is burned into their memory because Auburn blocked two punts in the final 10 minutes of the game to win 17-16. . The man kicking those blocked punts, Greg Gantt, has passed away. Despite having those punts blocked, Mr. Gantt enjoyed a All-SEC career for 3 years at Alabama and played two years for the New York Jets in 1974 and 1975. After that he worked in the recycling industry, starting several companies. While he played a part in a notorious part of Alabama history, remember that Gantt got his revenge the next year, when Alabama beat Auburn 35-0. Mr. Gantt is survived by 2 daughters and 2 sisters :'( God bless the Gantt family in their time of loss. RTR Greg! |