Title: Tide and Tigers pacing themselves during bye week Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on October 26, 2011, 10:17:24 PM http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?SID=885&CID=1284609
Quote "We make a quality control list of everything we want to try to work on at every position and also with individual players," UA coach Nick Saban said of the idle week. "Things that they need to improve on, and things that we need to work on collectively as a unit, whether it's a special teams?group?or offense, defense, whatever it might be." Saban said game-specific preparation would not begin until later this week. Miles indicated his staff, as well, has other things on its mind this week. "We do recruiting, we look at our team and insist they get some rehabilitation, some rest, to regain some freshness," Miles said. "We review our own statistics, our self-scouts, and recognize things we've done that we might need to change. ... It's like we play against LSU in this open week more than we play against Alabama." Did you know? LSU has won its first eight games for the first time since 1973. That year, it improved to 9-0 against Mississippi State before losing its first game of the season to eventual national champion Alabama, 21-7. Title: Re: Tide and Tigers pacing themselves during bye week Post by: Merk on October 27, 2011, 08:46:24 AM Hope history repeats itself. :D
Title: Re: Tide and Tigers pacing themselves during bye week Post by: Catch Prothro on October 27, 2011, 09:17:01 AM Hope history repeats itself. :D ^^^THIS^^^ #+Title: Re: Tide and Tigers pacing themselves during bye week Post by: hscoach on October 27, 2011, 10:46:07 AM I think this is a great opportunity to let the players get their legs under them and reinforce techniques. Also, plenty of time to get the game plan in.