Title: The Tebow disrespect Post by: SeniorTSM on November 01, 2011, 07:21:47 AM Just wanted to ask the question to fnas that probably hated Tebow while he was at UF.
It seems that people have now made the Tebow disrespect (which some of he desrvers for his poor play) a good verses evil thing. When players or media say Tebow will never make it as a NFL QB, his supportes say it is just like what Christ went through. When he wins on a last min comeback they praise God. Now let me state that I am a christian and I can see some of the very harsh critizism as aimed at Tim's christianity as wrong, but if we only talk about his play as a Qb...then he is bad. He should probably give TE a try. What do you guys and gals think? Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: Catch Prothro on November 01, 2011, 09:10:57 AM I think TB as a QB is never going to make it in the NFL. From what I have seen, he is missing easy passes. He is an athlete, though, and TE might be a better fit.
I agree it is wrong of people to criticize TB's religious beliefs. Perhaps the criticism isn't directed at the beliefs so much as the manner in which TB demonstrates those beliefs; it invites criticism from some non-believers. But I was shocked at the level of criticism, and the way in which opposing players mock that demonstration. I don't think God is going to choose sides in a football game, but I also don't think that is what TB is praying for, just some people don't understand that. Making it a good v. evil thing is silly, though. TB is not Christ, just a guy trying to play QB in the NFL. I'm not sure how that is doing God's work. Perhaps the problem is that it is viewed as an ego thing, the opposite of Christian values. Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: hscoach on November 01, 2011, 09:09:43 PM There was a great point made on the radio today. Could/would they make fun of TT if he were a Muslim?
Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 01, 2011, 09:19:01 PM There was a great point made on the radio today. Could/would they make fun of TT if he were a Muslim? That is a good point. Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: XBAMA on November 01, 2011, 09:59:17 PM these sports announcers that are bad mouthing Tebow need to just let the kid play
if he makes it fine , if he don't it's no skin off their teeth they have to make conversation and fill air time I realize that , but most of them are bad mouthing him to the point it sounds like jealousy on their part I was no fan of his when he was in the SEC but the guy played his heart out I can't take anything away from the kid for that , glad he is gone though . so just let him play , if Elway wants him gone then fine I was no big Elway fan myself and I think Tebow , so far in his college career was better than John was in his ... all I know about the kid personally is this ... he came to Mobile for the senior bowl and instead of just seeking the limelight Tebow and Antonio Coleman got in a rental car and drove to R.V. Taylor Housing Project if any of you know anything about Mobile , R.V. ain't the best part of town Tebow was introduced to some of Colemans High School team mates and friends there was a group of kids there ... some of the team mates kids there too Tebow made it a point to play football with the kids for quite awhile I know some of the guys that were there and played football with Coleman some had the ability to go to the next level but either got hurt or life bit them in the butt and they ended up here with me with nothing but a dream of what could have been I know for a fact these guys used to knock Nick Fairley around like a rag doll in their playing days and Tebow impressed this off the record crowd pretty good that day . I also gained a whole new respect for the guy ... I can say without a doubt , the guy talks the talk but he also walks the walk ... Just let him play ... Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 01, 2011, 10:38:11 PM these sports announcers that are bad mouthing Tebow need to just let the kid play if he makes it fine , if he don't it's no skin off their teeth they have to make conversation and fill air time I realize that , but most of them are bad mouthing him to the point it sounds like jealousy on their part I was no fan of his when he was in the SEC but the guy played his heart out I can't take anything away from the kid for that , glad he is gone though . so just let him play , if Elway wants him gone then fine I was no big Elway fan myself and I think Tebow , so far in his college career was better than John was in his ... all I know about the kid personally is this ... he came to Mobile for the senior bowl and instead of just seeking the limelight Tebow and Antonio Coleman got in a rental car and drove to R.V. Taylor Housing Project if any of you know anything about Mobile , R.V. ain't the best part of town Tebow was introduced to some of Colemans High School team mates and friends there was a group of kids there ... some of the team mates kids there too Tebow made it a point to play football with the kids for quite awhile I know some of the guys that were there and played football with Coleman some had the ability to go to the next level but either got hurt or life bit them in the butt and they ended up here with me with nothing but a dream of what could have been I know for a fact these guys used to knock Nick Fairley around like a rag doll in their playing days and Tebow impressed this off the record crowd pretty good that day . I also gained a whole new respect for the guy ... I can say without a doubt , the guy talks the talk but he also walks the walk ... Just let him play ... Good stuff X. Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: MLB10 on November 01, 2011, 10:45:41 PM Don't hate tebow but I hate the media obsession w him. Borders on idolatry.
I don't agree w people attacking his beliefs but if people compare him to Jesus they're morons. Christianity and athletic skill aside: tebow doesn't help himself saying stuff about how he could Have saved shulas program and don't forget the tears. He seems Kind of like a man child. Beyond "good kid" to "sheltered man child.". Then again...I'm not a cryer. Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: Terrie1959 on November 02, 2011, 07:06:57 AM I think this bad mouthing him and mocking his beliefs is just part of today's "anything but Christian" movement. He prays to God? Must be an idiot. He worships Buddha? What a nice thing. Reads the Quran? Is just following his heritage and we should be ashamed to say anything bad about them. BUT, a Christian is to be mocked for being a Christian. I don't get it and never will. I agree with XBAMA. Tim talks the talk AND walks the walk. How many others in the game do it? (yes I know there are some, I'm not trying to insult those).
Who would you rather have in your home? Tim or one of the "popular" NFL players who escaped a murder charge because of his money? As far as Tim's play. I loved watching him in action while he was in college (except when they played us!) I believe that he will make it in the NFL - what position, I don't know. But he has a God given talent and work determination to make it. A person can be born with the talent but without a strong work ethic, they will not be successful. I agree with the others - announcers should just talk football and leave the personal stuff alone. Just my 2cents Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: Jamos on November 02, 2011, 07:21:00 AM The media can make you or break you in the sports world and there's not many of the media on Tebow's side right now, and it's not likely to change.
Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: crimsonmom on November 02, 2011, 01:24:39 PM I think this bad mouthing him and mocking his beliefs is just part of today's "anything but Christian" movement. He prays to God? Must be an idiot. He worships Buddha? What a nice thing. Reads the Quran? Is just following his heritage and we should be ashamed to say anything bad about them. BUT, a Christian is to be mocked for being a Christian. I don't get it and never will. I agree with XBAMA. Tim talks the talk AND walks the walk. How many others in the game do it? (yes I know there are some, I'm not trying to insult those). #+ You are so right. America has become an anti-Christian nation. "We" are all about religion as long as it's not Christian.Who would you rather have in your home? Tim or one of the "popular" NFL players who escaped a murder charge because of his money? As far as Tim's play. I loved watching him in action while he was in college (except when they played us!) I believe that he will make it in the NFL - what position, I don't know. But he has a God given talent and work determination to make it. A person can be born with the talent but without a strong work ethic, they will not be successful. I agree with the others - announcers should just talk football and leave the personal stuff alone. Just my 2cents Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: ricky023 on November 02, 2011, 09:33:57 PM There was a great point made on the radio today. Could/would they make fun of TT if he were a Muslim? That is a good point. No they wouldn't tease him because they are scared of Muslims and the law. They will sue or bring firepower to them. You see you can laugh or make fun about his Christian life but if a Muslim is in there they are ,,,,,,,RTR! Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: bamalum67 on November 03, 2011, 05:49:58 AM I respect him for his faith..but I just never liked him as a person or a player..thought he wore his religion on his sleeve a little much..but maybe he did walk the walk.
I think he is overrated as an NFL QB, but maybe he is just a late bloomer. Don't get me started on Scam. Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: Chechem on November 03, 2011, 05:58:38 AM I respect him for his faith..but I just never liked him as a person or a player..thought he wore his religion on his sleeve a little much..but maybe he did walk the walk. I think he is overrated as an NFL QB, but maybe he is just a late bloomer. Don't get me started on Scam. Me too. Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: double nickel on November 03, 2011, 09:37:13 AM I have always respected Tebow and pulled for him when he wasn't playing Bama. He is a good kid and I like watching him play, he plays with heart and gives himself up for his team.
Title: Re: The Tebow disrespect Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 03, 2011, 12:07:12 PM I have always respected Tebow and pulled for him when he wasn't playing Bama. He is a good kid and I like watching him play, he plays with heart and gives himself up for his team. ^This |