Title: "Tide, LSU win games running between the tackles" Post by: Chechem on November 02, 2011, 05:57:12 AM Quote TUSCALOOSA — The Alabama running backs were between drills Tuesday afternoon when a friendly reminder came from positional coach Burton Burns. Good backs, he yelled, don’t wait for contact. They initiate it. Watch the Crimson Tide any Saturday, and those words become actions. Take a look at Saturday’s game, and you’ll see an equally bruising group from LSU. Yes, the prime-time showdown between top-ranked teams will presumably be won between the tackles with two old-fashioned physical running attacks. Both use brute power, but they do it with contrasting styles... http://annistonstar.com/bookmark/16252659?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AnnistonStar%2FTideSports+%28Anniston+Star+Tide+Sports%29 Needless to say, whichever team "runs between the tackles" best will win this game. :deadhorse: |