Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => President's Mansion => Topic started by: Coach Hank Crisp on November 03, 2011, 02:49:44 PM

Title: Barry Goldwater: The Most Consequential Loser in American Politics
Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on November 03, 2011, 02:49:44 PM

Political historian Theodore White wrote that again and again in American history, the losers of the presidency have contributed almost as much to the political dialogue as the winners. Such a candidate was Barry Goldwater, the most consequential loser in American politics. Consider the following:

Goldwater was the first ideological candidate for whom ideas, not voting blocs, were of primary importance. He argued that principle, not power, should rest at the core of the presidency.
Thousands of young people entered and stayed in politics because of Goldwater—among them the president of The Heritage Foundation, Ed Feulner.

Goldwater broke the Democratic hold on the South, carrying five Deep South states and laying the foundation for present-day Republican dominance of the South.

Many of the issues of 1964 are still issues today—Social Security, government spending, law and order, morality in government, and victory over foreign enemies (Communism then, Islamic terrorism today).

In 1980, Reagan campaigned and won on a Goldwater platform: Government is not the solution but the problem; cut taxes; strengthen the military; win the Cold War.

The two men differed in style and personality. Goldwater was Arizona blunt; Reagan, California mellow. Goldwater didn’t want those who didn’t agree with him 100 percent to vote for him. Reagan welcomed converts of all parties and persuasions.

Barry Goldwater was a fiery Old Testament prophet, warning the people to repent. Ronald Reagan was a New Testament apostle, preaching redemption.

To young to vote but I can remember my dad getting upset that Goldwater lost that election.

Title: Re: Barry Goldwater: The Most Consequential Loser in American Politics
Post by: ricky023 on November 04, 2011, 02:00:47 PM
 #+ to you good find and post. Hey Coach I extend my thanks for posting this. It was a very special time in the country and I remember Walter Cronkite having a ball with this. RTR!