Title: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on November 11, 2011, 09:29:57 AM http://msn.foxsports.com/collegefootball/story/penn-state-joe-paterno-likely-forever-tarnished-by-jerry-sandusky-sex-abuse-allegations-111011
Quote Gravity of scandal will weigh heavily By Thursday, Happy Valley was behind bars. Everyone here is trapped, and they always will be. Penn State is going to be known for this scandal forever. Mention Kent State, and people forever will think about the shooting in the 1960s. That school put buildings on top of the site, tried to hide it, forget about it. But it can’t get out from under it. And from now on, Paterno and Penn State will be under this. It isn’t just them. Assistant coach Mike McQueary is trapped, too. He had the misfortune of reportedly witnessing one of the crimes that Sandusky is alleged to have committed. Then, McQueary ran out, called his father and waited until the next day to tell Paterno what he had seen. He didn’t even help the boy at the time. Paterno knew of an allegation about Sandusky with a boy in the shower in 1998. When another allegation came in 2002, his conscience should have insisted that he do something. He told his boss, the athletic director. As you know by now: No one at Penn State called the police. Sandusky went on working at his charity for disadvantaged and vulnerable kids. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: BAMAWV on November 11, 2011, 12:50:55 PM Quote See, a big part of student pride at Penn State is wrapped up in having a winning football team doing things right behind a legendary coach. This scandal tears at the students’ identity, which is probably the real reason they pseudo-rioted Wednesday night. The students, with few exceptions, haven't even realized how bad this will be for Penn St. All they wanted was their "look at me" UTUBE moment. They wanted to be on TV taking a stand. Taking a stand for or against what, they were yet to be sure.Their age group is down on Wall Street, ranting about income redistribution, thinking they are deserving of other peoples money. But if you ask if they are willing to turn their all "As" report card into a "B" average to help out the ones with "Ds" or "Fs" they flip out. The "Me" generation is only out for one thing--themselves. So when they learn their resumes might take a hit along side Penn State, they'll be screaming, "Not Fair" at the top of their lungs. It is not fair. But LIFE is not fair. Deal with it! The woman and I have tried to place ourselves in their position. We have decided we would pull our kids from school. The only disagreement between us, is she would rather they finish the fall semester (if that is what they are on). Remove them from school and let the administration know why, on the way out. I am so thankful we are not in that position. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: Chechem on November 11, 2011, 01:36:26 PM "Serenity now...ad infinitum." :-X Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: ricky023 on November 11, 2011, 01:52:07 PM Quote See, a big part of student pride at Penn State is wrapped up in having a winning football team doing things right behind a legendary coach. This scandal tears at the students’ identity, which is probably the real reason they pseudo-rioted Wednesday night. The students, with few exceptions, haven't even realized how bad this will be for Penn St. All they wanted was their "look at me" UTUBE moment. They wanted to be on TV taking a stand. Taking a stand for or against what, they were yet to be sure.Their age group is down on Wall Street, ranting about income redistribution, thinking they are deserving of other peoples money. But if you ask if they are willing to turn their all "As" report card into a "B" average to help out the ones with "Ds" or "Fs" they flip out. The "Me" generation is only out for one thing--themselves. So when they learn their resumes might take a hit along side Penn State, they'll be screaming, "Not Fair" at the top of their lungs. It is not fair. But LIFE is not fair. Deal with it! The woman and I have tried to place ourselves in their position. We have decided we would pull our kids from school. The only disagreement between us, is she would rather they finish the fall semester (if that is what they are on). Remove them from school and let the administration know why, on the way out. I am so thankful we are not in that position. #+, WV I think your exactly right. My compliments and I have to e-cred you on this. RTR! Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: BAMAWV on November 11, 2011, 01:59:13 PM Quote See, a big part of student pride at Penn State is wrapped up in having a winning football team doing things right behind a legendary coach. This scandal tears at the students’ identity, which is probably the real reason they pseudo-rioted Wednesday night. The students, with few exceptions, haven't even realized how bad this will be for Penn St. All they wanted was their "look at me" UTUBE moment. They wanted to be on TV taking a stand. Taking a stand for or against what, they were yet to be sure.Their age group is down on Wall Street, ranting about income redistribution, thinking they are deserving of other peoples money. But if you ask if they are willing to turn their all "As" report card into a "B" average to help out the ones with "Ds" or "Fs" they flip out. The "Me" generation is only out for one thing--themselves. So when they learn their resumes might take a hit along side Penn State, they'll be screaming, "Not Fair" at the top of their lungs. It is not fair. But LIFE is not fair. Deal with it! The woman and I have tried to place ourselves in their position. We have decided we would pull our kids from school. The only disagreement between us, is she would rather they finish the fall semester (if that is what they are on). Remove them from school and let the administration know why, on the way out. I am so thankful we are not in that position. #+, WV I think your exactly right. My compliments and I have to e-cred you on this. RTR! Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: BAMAWV on November 11, 2011, 02:01:35 PM "Serenity now...ad infinitum." :-X Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on November 11, 2011, 02:10:39 PM http://www.wyff4.com/news/29738465/detail.html#.Tr17KoFYfCg.twitter
Quote Penn State Scandal Impacts High School Recruits: Greer H.S. Linebacker No Longer Considers Playing For Penn State GREER, S.C. -- The Penn State fallout is having a trickle-down effect on high school football recruiting. Ranked last year by ESPNU as the 26th linebacker prospect in the country, Ah Ching said he was paid a visit by Penn State's former assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky. “He came to my last spring game going into my senior season. He liked how I moved, laterally, and how gifted I am,” said Ah Ching. But days after Sandusky was charged with sexually abusing young boys, leading to the firing of football coach Joe Paterno and university President Graham Spanier, Ah Ching scratched Penn State off his list of where he'd continue his football career. “It's very devastating to have a top-tiered program and have them drop like that,” said Ah Ching. “That really did play a big impact on where I wanted to go.” Otto Ah Ching, Adam’s dad, supports his decision Sandusky was still recruiting last spring! Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: carl childers on November 11, 2011, 03:11:20 PM Penn State Scandal Impacts High School Recruits:
Greer H.S. Linebacker No Longer Considers Playing For Penn State GREER, S.C. -- The Penn State fallout is having a trickle-down effect on high school football recruiting. Ranked last year by ESPNU as the 26th linebacker prospect in the country, Ah Ching said he was paid a visit by Penn State's former assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky. “He came to my last spring game going into my senior season. He liked how I moved, laterally, and how gifted I am,” said Ah Ching. But days after Sandusky was charged with sexually abusing young boys, leading to the firing of football coach Joe Paterno and university President Graham Spanier, Ah Ching scratched Penn State off his list of where he'd continue his football career. “It's very devastating to have a top-tiered program and have them drop like that,” said Ah Ching. “That really did play a big impact on where I wanted to go.” Otto Ah Ching, Adam’s dad, supports his decision A quote by Ah Ching: (http://26.media.tumblr.com/BqW1NiIh6qtksdga6Y3fnT63o1_500.jpg) Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: MLB10 on November 11, 2011, 05:07:12 PM still recruiting??? That's nuts.
I really liked all the Kent State community did in regards to the Tuscaloosa tornadoes, but the shootings ARE the first thing I think when I hear "Kent State" and I wasn't even born then. Not that I harbor ill feelings toward Kent State people...but he's right, this will ALWAYS stay with Penn State. It's a shame for the good people mixed up in the bad situation. If the other rumors bear true and the university was involved, there might not even be a Penn State after this. Oh, and this is way worse than what SMU did and they got the death penalty. If they used children to get booster money then.... (http://cache.blippitt.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Mushroom-Cloud.jpg) Can you bust them for "lack of institutional control" if they were totally in control but just plain EVIL??? Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on November 11, 2011, 05:27:50 PM still recruiting??? That's nuts. I really liked all the Kent State community did in regards to the Tuscaloosa tornadoes, but the shootings ARE the first thing I think when I hear "Kent State" and I wasn't even born then. Not that I harbor ill feelings toward Kent State people...but he's right, this will ALWAYS stay with Penn State. It's a shame for the good people mixed up in the bad situation. If the other rumors bear true and the university was involved, there might not even be a Penn State after this. Oh, and this is way worse than what SMU did and they got the death penalty. If they used children to get booster money then.... (http://cache.blippitt.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Mushroom-Cloud.jpg) Can you bust them for "lack of institutional control" if they were totally in control but just plain EVIL??? NCAA president Emmert said they are staying out of it. It's criminal. Yeah I still relate "Kent State" to the Viet Nam war protests. Makes the song "Ohio" by CSNY come to mind. "Four Dead in Ohio" Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: BAMAWV on November 11, 2011, 05:49:52 PM still recruiting??? That's nuts. Nothing to do with NCAA.I really liked all the Kent State community did in regards to the Tuscaloosa tornadoes, but the shootings ARE the first thing I think when I hear "Kent State" and I wasn't even born then. Not that I harbor ill feelings toward Kent State people...but he's right, this will ALWAYS stay with Penn State. It's a shame for the good people mixed up in the bad situation. If the other rumors bear true and the university was involved, there might not even be a Penn State after this. Oh, and this is way worse than what SMU did and they got the death penalty. If they used children to get booster money then.... (http://cache.blippitt.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Mushroom-Cloud.jpg) Can you bust them for "lack of institutional control" if they were totally in control but just plain EVIL??? Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: BAMAWV on November 11, 2011, 07:47:33 PM Right now--PSU students defending JoPa--O'Reilly. Fox News
Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: BAMAWV on November 11, 2011, 07:59:47 PM Right now--PSU students defending JoPa--O'Reilly. Fox News Those poor, confused young girls. They feel Joe Paterno has been tried without knowing the facts. Has he not had all week to enlighten us as to why he is not a monster? Is he satisfied with being fired and labeled an enabler of a child rapist? Maybe these girls haven't a Father to explain to them.:( Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: BAMAWV on November 12, 2011, 07:26:45 AM PSU statement: "Tonight we got closure", speaking of their candlelight vigil last night. They just do NOT get it. An observance for the victims in place of the pep rally. How many people would have attended had there not been a game tomorrow? 500?
Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on November 12, 2011, 08:42:55 AM Quote BFeldmanCBS Bruce Feldman RT A bomb threat was called in to Beaver Stadium. The school says that nothing was found after search (H/T @DirtColeman) 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Quote CFBLIVE ESPN CFB LIVE #Nebraska WR Kenny Bell RT @KBellJr80: Youd think we were traveling with prez obama with the type of security around us 15 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Retweeted by @CecilHurt Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: Jamos on November 12, 2011, 08:58:34 AM PSU statement: "Tonight we got closure", speaking of their candlelight vigil last night. They just do NOT get it. An observance for the victims in place of the pep rally. How many people would have attended had there not been a game tomorrow? 500? Exactly WV, I've been confused and angry since the mob scene thing started. Where is the remorse for the victims and their families, it makes you wonder what rellay matters in this world today. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: MLB10 on November 12, 2011, 09:25:37 AM still recruiting??? That's nuts. Nothing to do with NCAA.I really liked all the Kent State community did in regards to the Tuscaloosa tornadoes, but the shootings ARE the first thing I think when I hear "Kent State" and I wasn't even born then. Not that I harbor ill feelings toward Kent State people...but he's right, this will ALWAYS stay with Penn State. It's a shame for the good people mixed up in the bad situation. If the other rumors bear true and the university was involved, there might not even be a Penn State after this. Oh, and this is way worse than what SMU did and they got the death penalty. If they used children to get booster money then.... (http://cache.blippitt.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Mushroom-Cloud.jpg) Can you bust them for "lack of institutional control" if they were totally in control but just plain EVIL??? If boosters are involved, and sexual favors with children have been traded in exchange for booster money, SOMETHING must be done. While I realize the NCAA is the least of their worries, I just don't feel something like that can be ignored. Fire at all angles. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 12, 2011, 09:45:35 AM Quote BFeldmanCBS Bruce Feldman RT A bomb threat was called in to Beaver Stadium. The school says that nothing was found after search (H/T @DirtColeman) 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Quote CFBLIVE ESPN CFB LIVE #Nebraska WR Kenny Bell RT @KBellJr80: Youd think we were traveling with prez obama with the type of security around us 15 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Retweeted by @CecilHurt I'm telling you, they better cancel the game. There are plenty of people in this world who couldn't care less about football, PSU or otherwise, who care a lot about kids and are outraged beyond comprehension. Some of them may be spurned to take action. If I were a relative of one of those boys, I just might fall into that category myself. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: Chechem on November 12, 2011, 09:51:23 AM Quote BFeldmanCBS Bruce Feldman RT A bomb threat was called in to Beaver Stadium. The school says that nothing was found after search (H/T @DirtColeman) 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Quote CFBLIVE ESPN CFB LIVE #Nebraska WR Kenny Bell RT @KBellJr80: Youd think we were traveling with prez obama with the type of security around us 15 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Retweeted by @CecilHurt I'm telling you, they better cancel the game. There are plenty of people in this world who couldn't care less about football, PSU or otherwise, who care a lot about kids and are outraged beyond comprehension. Some of them may be spurned to take action. If I were a relative of one of those boys, I just might fall into that category myself. Much hate, indeed, but is any of it directed at Nebraska? I doubt it. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 12, 2011, 10:08:49 AM Quote BFeldmanCBS Bruce Feldman RT A bomb threat was called in to Beaver Stadium. The school says that nothing was found after search (H/T @DirtColeman) 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Quote CFBLIVE ESPN CFB LIVE #Nebraska WR Kenny Bell RT @KBellJr80: Youd think we were traveling with prez obama with the type of security around us 15 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Retweeted by @CecilHurt I'm telling you, they better cancel the game. There are plenty of people in this world who couldn't care less about football, PSU or otherwise, who care a lot about kids and are outraged beyond comprehension. Some of them may be spurned to take action. If I were a relative of one of those boys, I just might fall into that category myself. Much hate, indeed, but is any of it directed at Nebraska? I doubt it. No they are all innocent bystanders. The idea that, even now, this football game is more important than safety is appalling. Tempers are flaring, and if PSU takes the beat down I expect the whole situation could be volatile. In my opinion they need to hit the pause button on the football program until people have some time to process all that has happened and come to grips with reality. There is this misguided idea that if they just play the game things will get back to normal. Things will never get back to the way they were before, but over time things will get better. They are taking a risk by playing this game. Besides the risk of an incident, even if nothing happens this could be a PR nightmare making the situation even worse. It already appears that nothing is more important at PSU than football. This only serves to enforce that idea. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: cbbama99 on November 12, 2011, 11:03:07 AM Quote BFeldmanCBS Bruce Feldman RT A bomb threat was called in to Beaver Stadium. The school says that nothing was found after search (H/T @DirtColeman) 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Quote CFBLIVE ESPN CFB LIVE #Nebraska WR Kenny Bell RT @KBellJr80: Youd think we were traveling with prez obama with the type of security around us 15 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Retweeted by @CecilHurt I'm telling you, they better cancel the game. There are plenty of people in this world who couldn't care less about football, PSU or otherwise, who care a lot about kids and are outraged beyond comprehension. Some of them may be spurned to take action. If I were a relative of one of those boys, I just might fall into that category myself. Much hate, indeed, but is any of it directed at Nebraska? I doubt it. No they are all innocent bystanders. The idea that, even now, this football game is more important than safety is appalling. Tempers are flaring, and if PSU takes the beat down I expect the whole situation could be volatile. In my opinion they need to hit the pause button on the football program until people have some time to process all that has happened and come to grips with reality. There is this misguided idea that if they just play the game things will get back to normal. Things will never get back to the way they were before, but over time things will get better. They are taking a risk by playing this game. Besides the risk of an incident, even if nothing happens this could be a PR nightmare making the situation even worse. It already appears that nothing is more important at PSU than football. This only serves to enforce that idea. I agree with you SC, but can you imagine the television audience that is going to tune in just to see if something DOES happen? I guarantee ESPN is going to get huge ratings for this game. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: ricky023 on November 12, 2011, 11:29:43 AM This will never have closure. PSU will be the laughing stock of the college world for decades to come. They some help preparing for this, I just don't see the boards letting it go away especially after football season with nothing much to post on. JMHO! RTR!
Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 12, 2011, 11:29:57 AM Personally, I hope Paterno's "legacy" is tarnished forever. The more I read about this entire situation, the more obvious it is that Paterno and the "cult of personality" allowed this horrendous situation to not merely occur but to blossom and grow out-of-control. Paterno is coming across as an arrogant, aloof, I don't care except about my legacy and football, person. This is a loud warning signal to all who "worship" their football/basketball coach.
Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 12, 2011, 12:04:29 PM Quote BFeldmanCBS Bruce Feldman RT A bomb threat was called in to Beaver Stadium. The school says that nothing was found after search (H/T @DirtColeman) 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Quote CFBLIVE ESPN CFB LIVE #Nebraska WR Kenny Bell RT @KBellJr80: Youd think we were traveling with prez obama with the type of security around us 15 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Retweeted by @CecilHurt I'm telling you, they better cancel the game. There are plenty of people in this world who couldn't care less about football, PSU or otherwise, who care a lot about kids and are outraged beyond comprehension. Some of them may be spurned to take action. If I were a relative of one of those boys, I just might fall into that category myself. Much hate, indeed, but is any of it directed at Nebraska? I doubt it. No they are all innocent bystanders. The idea that, even now, this football game is more important than safety is appalling. Tempers are flaring, and if PSU takes the beat down I expect the whole situation could be volatile. In my opinion they need to hit the pause button on the football program until people have some time to process all that has happened and come to grips with reality. There is this misguided idea that if they just play the game things will get back to normal. Things will never get back to the way they were before, but over time things will get better. They are taking a risk by playing this game. Besides the risk of an incident, even if nothing happens this could be a PR nightmare making the situation even worse. It already appears that nothing is more important at PSU than football. This only serves to enforce that idea. I agree with you SC, but can you imagine the television audience that is going to tune in just to see if something DOES happen? I guarantee ESPN is going to get huge ratings for this game. I had this game on for a few minutes. I was disgusted every time I heard the crowd cheer. Then I realized UF was playing USC on CBS and changed the channel. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on November 12, 2011, 12:05:19 PM Quote PeteThamelNYT Pete Thamel RT @markcviera: Four members of the Westboro Baptist Church protested at PSU game, holding signs that said "God Hates You." 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 12, 2011, 12:09:05 PM Quote PeteThamelNYT Pete Thamel RT @markcviera: Four members of the Westboro Baptist Church protested at PSU game, holding signs that said "God Hates You." 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply God hates nobody. These people are idiots. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 12, 2011, 12:20:14 PM Quote BFeldmanCBS Bruce Feldman RT A bomb threat was called in to Beaver Stadium. The school says that nothing was found after search (H/T @DirtColeman) 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Quote CFBLIVE ESPN CFB LIVE #Nebraska WR Kenny Bell RT @KBellJr80: Youd think we were traveling with prez obama with the type of security around us 15 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply Retweeted by @CecilHurt I'm telling you, they better cancel the game. There are plenty of people in this world who couldn't care less about football, PSU or otherwise, who care a lot about kids and are outraged beyond comprehension. Some of them may be spurned to take action. If I were a relative of one of those boys, I just might fall into that category myself. Much hate, indeed, but is any of it directed at Nebraska? I doubt it. No they are all innocent bystanders. The idea that, even now, this football game is more important than safety is appalling. Tempers are flaring, and if PSU takes the beat down I expect the whole situation could be volatile. In my opinion they need to hit the pause button on the football program until people have some time to process all that has happened and come to grips with reality. There is this misguided idea that if they just play the game things will get back to normal. Things will never get back to the way they were before, but over time things will get better. They are taking a risk by playing this game. Besides the risk of an incident, even if nothing happens this could be a PR nightmare making the situation even worse. It already appears that nothing is more important at PSU than football. This only serves to enforce that idea. I agree with you SC, but can you imagine the television audience that is going to tune in just to see if something DOES happen? I guarantee ESPN is going to get huge ratings for this game. I had this game on for a few minutes. I was disgusted every time I heard the crowd cheer. Then I realized UF was playing USC on CBS and changed the channel. I was thinking the identical thing. The PSU crowd is now into delusion & denial about the whole thing. They see it as an isolated incident. They are in for a rude awakening. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: BAMAWV on November 12, 2011, 01:10:06 PM still recruiting??? That's nuts. Nothing to do with NCAA.I really liked all the Kent State community did in regards to the Tuscaloosa tornadoes, but the shootings ARE the first thing I think when I hear "Kent State" and I wasn't even born then. Not that I harbor ill feelings toward Kent State people...but he's right, this will ALWAYS stay with Penn State. It's a shame for the good people mixed up in the bad situation. If the other rumors bear true and the university was involved, there might not even be a Penn State after this. Oh, and this is way worse than what SMU did and they got the death penalty. If they used children to get booster money then.... (http://cache.blippitt.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Mushroom-Cloud.jpg) Can you bust them for "lack of institutional control" if they were totally in control but just plain EVIL??? If boosters are involved, and sexual favors with children have been traded in exchange for booster money, SOMETHING must be done. While I realize the NCAA is the least of their worries, I just don't feel something like that can be ignored. Fire at all angles. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: BamaBred on November 12, 2011, 01:48:53 PM Quote PeteThamelNYT Pete Thamel RT @markcviera: Four members of the Westboro Baptist Church protested at PSU game, holding signs that said "God Hates You." 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply God hates nobody. These people are idiots. And awful representatives of the Baptist Church and Christianity as a whole. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: BAMAWV on November 12, 2011, 01:51:58 PM Quote PeteThamelNYT Pete Thamel RT @markcviera: Four members of the Westboro Baptist Church protested at PSU game, holding signs that said "God Hates You." 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply God hates nobody. These people are idiots. And awful representatives of the Baptist Church and Christianity as a whole. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 12, 2011, 02:01:42 PM Quote PeteThamelNYT Pete Thamel RT @markcviera: Four members of the Westboro Baptist Church protested at PSU game, holding signs that said "God Hates You." 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply God hates nobody. These people are idiots. And awful representatives of the Baptist Church and Christianity as a whole. I wish somebody would protest outside of their church. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: BamaBred on November 12, 2011, 02:22:24 PM Quote PeteThamelNYT Pete Thamel RT @markcviera: Four members of the Westboro Baptist Church protested at PSU game, holding signs that said "God Hates You." 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply God hates nobody. These people are idiots. And awful representatives of the Baptist Church and Christianity as a whole. Oh, he's furious, no doubt. The involved will pay. I hear the inmates in maximum security are a lovely, welcoming bunch. Especially to child molesters. An eye for an eye, indeed. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: MLB10 on November 12, 2011, 03:08:29 PM 1 John 4:8
New International Version (NIV) 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love --- Crack the Bible, Pastor Fred! Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 12, 2011, 03:10:01 PM 1 John 4:8 New International Version (NIV) 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love --- Crack the Bible, Pastor Fred! :clap: :clap: :clap: Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: BAMAWV on November 12, 2011, 03:26:26 PM Quote PeteThamelNYT Pete Thamel RT @markcviera: Four members of the Westboro Baptist Church protested at PSU game, holding signs that said "God Hates You." 6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply God hates nobody. These people are idiots. And awful representatives of the Baptist Church and Christianity as a whole. I wish somebody would protest outside of their church. Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: ricky023 on November 12, 2011, 04:14:53 PM 1 John 4:8 New International Version (NIV) 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love --- Crack the Bible, Pastor Fred! :clap: :clap: :clap: AMEN! Good job. God Bless! Title: Re: Penn State and Joe Paterno: Tarnished Forever By Sandusky Scandal Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on November 12, 2011, 04:39:22 PM Quote PeteThamelNYT Pete Thamel Nebraska Coach Bo Pelini had strong words: "before the game, I didn’t think it should have been played for a lot of different reasons." 30 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply |