Title: Tall tale: AJ McCarron adds a chapter to his Alabama career with win over Auburn Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on November 26, 2011, 09:46:18 PM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/11/tall_tale_aj_mccarron_adds_a_c.html
Quote (http://media.al.com/alphotos/photo/-1ccce7e76f09b185.jpg) Alabama quarterback AJ McCarron (10) reacts near the end of a 42-14 win over Auburn in a NCAA college football game at Jordan-Hare Stadium in Auburn, Ala., Saturday, Nov. 26, 2011. (AP Photo/Dave Martin) AUBURN, Alabama -- His black beard had thickened in the 56 days since AJ McCarron was last brought to reporters for interviews. This time he was mobbed by microphones that soaked up every rich word the sophomore quarterback offered after his role in Alabama's 42-14 win over Auburn in the Iron Bowl. When he tells his version of Saturday's game years from now, perhaps when his beard is gray and maybe to a grandchild or two, his pulse might pump a little harder to awaken the old juices that flowed through him at Jordan-Hare Stadium. McCarron's two Iron Bowl memories have been worth sharing, although this win is likely a more cherished chapter for the Mobile native. He finished 18-of-23 passing for 184 yards and three touchdowns. |