Title: Gene Chizik = Shug Jordan? Post by: KoKoPuf on November 27, 2011, 11:33:16 AM Shug was a pretty good coach and won one national championship while on probation. But except for a few good teams over the years, most of his teams were pretty average and he always played second fiddle to CPB. Now Chizik wins a NC when AU should have been on probation and his other teams have a very average look. AU fans loved Shug and kept him forever, will they do the same with Chizik?
Title: Re: Gene Chizik = Shug Jordan? Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 27, 2011, 11:43:55 AM I sure hope so. Does he come into work late too? :D
Title: Re: Gene Chizik = Shug Jordan? Post by: McBaman on November 27, 2011, 12:50:29 PM Too soon to tell on the coaching part. Shug was a Barn alum and a gentleman. In his own way he had class. Don't think cheezit is that.
Title: Re: Gene Chizik = Shug Jordan? Post by: MLB10 on November 27, 2011, 01:50:05 PM Nah bc I think most realize Gus and ESP cam won that nc
Title: Re: Gene Chizik = Shug Jordan? Post by: pmull on November 27, 2011, 02:07:27 PM This was a bad barn team. They lost 5 games by 24 or more points. Average teams don't get blown out. Even Shula kept us in most games until the end. The 2009 and 2011 barn defenses are the worst in barn history. They give up almost 30 points per game and 405 yards. Even last year the defense was bad. Chizik is a defensive coach.
Barn fans claim Chizik was responsible for the championship last year but Tuberville is responsible for this year failures. :dunno: Whats up with that? Title: Re: Gene Chizik = Shug Jordan? Post by: bama87 on November 27, 2011, 03:15:29 PM I believe we will find cheez to be very average at best. Ol' Gus will be gone to become a head coach with that high school offense and he will can the DC. So it will be like starting over. Oh and maybe the punk trooper will be the OC. The Dre can really kick his butt.