Title: "Led by 'monster' JaMychal Green, No. 13 Tide pulls away to victory over VCU" Post by: Chechem on November 28, 2011, 05:43:08 AM (http://media.al.com/birmingham-news/photo/10299478-large.jpg)
Quote TUSCALOOSA - If this looked like a battle between two look-alike teams, was it any wonder? Alabama coach Anthony Grant previously coached at VCU. He and current VCU coach Shaka Smart both served as assistant coaches under Florida coach Billy Donovan. So it was no surprise that two teams with similar styles on offense and defense waged a close battle Sunday night at Coleman Coliseum. VCU (3-3), which went to the Final Four of the NCAA tournament last spring, led by one point with a little more than four minutes to go, but the No. 13 Crimson Tide (7-0) outscored the Rams 13-4 down the stretch and won 72-64. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/11/led_by_monster_jamychal_green.html Title: Re: "Led by 'monster' JaMychal Green, No. 13 Tide pulls away to victory over VCU" Post by: Jamos on November 28, 2011, 05:53:50 AM As I said in another thread, Bama is a good team and could be better if the seats were filled in Coleman each game, the crowd noise made a big difference in this game at the end. Both teams pushed each other to their limits as far as physical conditioning was concerned and I think Bama got the best of it in the second half, when you are tired the shots get a little tougher.
The weather will be better on Thursday so hopefully we will see a full house for the Georgetown game even though it is a late game. Roll Tide!!! :clap: Title: Re: "Led by 'monster' JaMychal Green, No. 13 Tide pulls away to victory over VCU" Post by: Chechem on November 28, 2011, 06:13:28 AM I think people will show up for Georgetown. Most casual fans don't remember that VCU was a power in last year's NCAA tournament. But even the average fan knows the name 'Georgetown', so hopefully they'll fill the coliseum.
:rofl: :jump: Title: Re: "Led by 'monster' JaMychal Green, No. 13 Tide pulls away to victory over VCU" Post by: Marshal Dillon on November 28, 2011, 06:29:30 AM The weather was awful and it was the end of the holiday, so it slowed the attendance. Remember, a game like this 3 years ago and 4,000 would have showed up, maybe. They need to sit Mitchell until that ankle is much better. Our 3-point shooting was pathetic, we have to do better. Lacy was invisible last night, but Cooper played good.
Title: Re: "Led by 'monster' JaMychal Green, No. 13 Tide pulls away to victory over VCU" Post by: Chechem on November 28, 2011, 06:34:07 AM The weather was awful and it was the end of the holiday, so it slowed the attendance. Remember, a game like this 3 years ago and 4,000 would have showed up, maybe. They need to sit Mitchell until that ankle is much better. Our 3-point shooting was pathetic, we have to do better. Lacy was invisible last night, but Cooper played good. Right. The ankle needs rest, but I don't know if Alabama can win (against these quality teams) without him right now. Title: Re: "Led by 'monster' JaMychal Green, No. 13 Tide pulls away to victory over VCU" Post by: Jamos on November 28, 2011, 10:47:50 AM The weather was awful and it was the end of the holiday, so it slowed the attendance. Remember, a game like this 3 years ago and 4,000 would have showed up, maybe. They need to sit Mitchell until that ankle is much better. Our 3-point shooting was pathetic, we have to do better. Lacy was invisible last night, but Cooper played good. Right. The ankle needs rest, but I don't know if Alabama can win (against these quality teams) without him right now. ^^^This^^^ I think Green becomes a better player when Mitchell is on the court plus their opponents can't double up on Green either. |