Title: "Nick Saban on BCS rematch: should be based on who’s the best two teams" Post by: Chechem on November 29, 2011, 04:18:28 AM :'( Grammar, coach, grammar!!
Quote By now, John and I have made our feelings pretty clear about a potential rematch in the BCS title game between LSU and Alabama, who happen to be ranked No. 1 and No. 2 in the latest BCS standings. It’s not a guarantee that the two teams will meet again just over two months after their Nov. 5 game, but personally, it feels like we’re being set up for it. Oklahoma State would have to have an impressive win against Oklahoma in the Bedlam Series for there to be even a chance for the Cowboys to jump the Tide. The argument for a rematch has been that the two best teams should play for the national title regardless of whether they’ve played before, or if they’re in the same conference or division. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/11/29/nick-saban-on-bcs-rematch-should-be-based-on-whos-the-best-two-teams/ Title: Re: "Nick Saban on BCS rematch: should be based on who’s the best two teams" Post by: Jamos on November 29, 2011, 06:31:58 AM Seems like I remember that the reason for the origination of the BCS was to get the two best teams into the championship game versus the bias voters of the polls each year. The media is loving the spin they have put on who should play in this game and there's no doubt who the two best teams are, so there really shouldn't be any debate or discussion as to who will play in the NCG, nuff said. ;)
Title: Re: "Nick Saban on BCS rematch: should be based on who’s the best two teams" Post by: 2Stater on November 29, 2011, 07:06:38 AM Seems like I remember that the reason for the origination of the BCS was to get the two best teams into the championship game versus the bias voters of the polls each year. The media is loving the spin they have put on who should play in this game and there's no doubt who the two best teams are, so there really shouldn't be any debate or discussion as to who will play in the NCG, nuff said. ;) On Palmer & Pollack yesterday, a viewer asked "How many points will Ok. St have to win by over Oklahoma, to make it to the BCSNCG?" Pollack said "300". :lol: Title: Re: "Nick Saban on BCS rematch: should be based on who’s the best two teams" Post by: Chechem on November 29, 2011, 08:49:04 AM Seems like I remember that the reason for the origination of the BCS was to get the two best teams into the championship game versus the bias voters of the polls each year. The media is loving the spin they have put on who should play in this game and there's no doubt who the two best teams are, so there really shouldn't be any debate or discussion as to who will play in the NCG, nuff said. ;) On Palmer & Pollack yesterday, a viewer asked "How many points will Ok. St have to win by over Oklahoma, to make it to the BCSNCG?" Pollack said "300". :lol: :lol: Title: Re: "Nick Saban on BCS rematch: should be based on who’s the best two teams" Post by: Jamos on November 29, 2011, 09:03:02 AM Seems like I remember that the reason for the origination of the BCS was to get the two best teams into the championship game versus the bias voters of the polls each year. The media is loving the spin they have put on who should play in this game and there's no doubt who the two best teams are, so there really shouldn't be any debate or discussion as to who will play in the NCG, nuff said. ;) On Palmer & Pollack yesterday, a viewer asked "How many points will Ok. St have to win by over Oklahoma, to make it to the BCSNCG?" Pollack said "300". :lol: Now that is tooooo funny!! :lol: #+ Title: Re: "Nick Saban on BCS rematch: should be based on who’s the best two teams" Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 29, 2011, 10:41:55 AM Seems like I remember that the reason for the origination of the BCS was to get the two best teams into the championship game versus the bias voters of the polls each year. The media is loving the spin they have put on who should play in this game and there's no doubt who the two best teams are, so there really shouldn't be any debate or discussion as to who will play in the NCG, nuff said. ;) On Palmer & Pollack yesterday, a viewer asked "How many points will Ok. St have to win by over Oklahoma, to make it to the BCSNCG?" Pollack said "300". :lol: :lol: I like him. I wish I had seen that. |