Title: NFL Scouting Combine: Did Auburn or Alabama players improve their worth? Post by: ssmith general on March 02, 2011, 07:29:22 AM "TUSCALOOSA -- The NFL combine was a non-stop marathon (it felt like a sprint) of interviews, observations and writing. My fingers are literally raw and salty from all the typing. Think of the combine as the never-ending press conference. Players, NFL coaches and general managers appear on three different podiums -- some at various tables -- to take on a heavy blitz of questions. It's relentless and all designed with a purpose. The ultimate job interview is an ongoing process that will not stop until the NFL draft is complete. Everything from weigh-ins to team interviews to media sessions are chewed on, swallowed and digested in the process of evaluating the 330 players invited to Indianapolis." Link - Izzy Gould via AL.com (http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/03/nfl_scouting_combine_did_aubur.html) 8) Title: Re: NFL Scouting Combine: Did Auburn or Alabama players improve their worth? Post by: ssmith general on March 02, 2011, 07:31:05 AM (http://media.al.com/sports_impact/photo/109475853-crop-358x243jpg-779e6363b1310708.jpg)
Title: Re: NFL Scouting Combine: Did Auburn or Alabama players improve their worth? Post by: deahl001 on March 02, 2011, 07:33:51 AM I would love to see Dareus jump Fairley. I think Dareus really helped himself during his time on the set with the guys from NFL network as well. He handled it very well and showed his ability to speak intelligently.
Title: Re: NFL Scouting Combine: Did Auburn or Alabama players improve their worth? Post by: Chechem on March 02, 2011, 08:38:23 AM I would love to see Dareus jump Fairley. I think Dareus really helped himself during his time on the set with the guys from NFL network as well. He handled it very well and showed his ability to speak intelligently. Dareus and Fairley are different types of players. I think Carolina would take F first, if they had to choose one of those 2. If he gets past Carolina (I personally think they take Cam), I think Dareus goes before Fairley. Title: Re: NFL Scouting Combine: Did Auburn or Alabama players improve their worth? Post by: ricky023 on March 02, 2011, 10:33:34 AM I think Darius will make a better NFL player. CNS trained him. I think Fairley going higher but Darieus will be a starter quicker and last longer. RTR!