Title: Super Six coaches get a pep talk about champions from Nick Saban Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on December 01, 2011, 01:25:14 AM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/11/super_six_coaches_get_a_pep_ta.html
CNS is the reason why the "Super Six" high school championships in Alabama High Schools are now played at at Bryant Denny and Jordan Hare every other year! CNS pushed this idea when he first arrived! Birmingham doesn't have a clue as to what to support anymore other than more greed! CNS and Mrs Terrie also support the grant school efforts in Alabama high schools They supported the same efforts when they were in Baton Rouge! Quote TUSCALOOSA, Alabama - Coaches whose teams will compete Thursday and Friday for state championships at Bryant-Denny Stadium heard Wednesday night from a college coach whose team might be on the verge of playing for a national championship. They heard from Nick Saban that players and teams must be champions before they can win championships. The Alabama coach delivered the speech at the Super Six dinner program, and what he had to say was equal parts pep talk, a pat on the back and reflection. "Nobody had a greater impact on my life than my high school coach," Saban said. "I had great parents, but my high school coach did so much in my life ... to instill some of the values that have helped us create the work ethic and do the things we need to do to be successful in the things that we choose to do. Title: Re: Super Six coaches get a pep talk about champions from Nick Saban Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on December 01, 2011, 01:27:57 AM Quote I get just as much positive self gratification and just as good a feeling when I go home to my town in West Virginia ... and I see that sign that's still up there," Saban said. "It says, '1967 Double-A State Champions.' Title: Re: Super Six coaches get a pep talk about champions from Nick Saban Post by: BAMAWV on December 01, 2011, 01:48:38 AM Quote I get just as much positive self gratification and just as good a feeling when I go home to my town in West Virginia ... and I see that sign that's still up there," Saban said. "It says, '1967 Double-A State Champions.' |