Title: "Roy Kramer's SEC Championship Game and BCS converge for odd 2011 finish" Post by: Chechem on December 01, 2011, 06:50:30 AM Quote BIRMINGHAM, Alabama -- Roy Kramer gave birth to the SEC Championship Game in 1992 and fathered the Bowl Championship Series in 1998. He never imagined the uprising his teenage offspring would produce for an anti-climatic conclusion to this season. When the first SEC Championship Game was held, Kramer hoped it wouldn't blow up in his face and kill undefeated Alabama's national title hopes. The 20th edition this week offers the opposite... http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/12/roy_kramers_rebellious_teenage.html Title: Re: "Roy Kramer's SEC Championship Game and BCS converge for odd 2011 finish" Post by: td57 on December 01, 2011, 07:06:02 AM If not for the SECCG Bama may have had a NC in '94.
Also, I despise articles that show Kramer any kind of love. He intentionally worked with Fullmer to take down the Bama program. And I have certainly enjoyed watching both of them set in their neighborhood and together watch the UcheaT program fall completely apart. :lol: #+ #+ #+ |