Title: "Tuberville shakes up Red Raiders staff" Post by: Chechem on December 13, 2011, 04:29:38 AM Quote Following up on speculation that surfaced late last week, Texas Tech announced a “revamping” of Tommy Tuberville‘s coaching staff. As relayed in a press release, offensive line coach Matt Moore and defensive backs coach Otis Mounds were dismissed, while defensive line coach Sam McElroy will be reassigned to a non-coaching position on the staff. Additionally, the school announced the hiring of Terry Price and John Lovett as defensive assistants. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/12/12/tuberville-shakes-up-red-raiders-staff/ Lovett? He couldn't even tie his own shoes at Ole Miss. I met with him once, and he confused himself trying to explain his 'new defensive scheme'. I can't believe he's still in coaching. :clap: Read the comments below the article. Title: Re: "Tuberville shakes up Red Raiders staff" Post by: 2Stater on December 13, 2011, 04:39:32 AM Quote Thats all he did at Auburn. He delegated – not coached. Took all the credit when they did well and canned assistants when they didn’t. Tuberville is a d**che rocket. That was his M.O. at the barn....point the finger at other coaches, fire and repacle. Title: Re: "Tuberville shakes up Red Raiders staff" Post by: Chechem on December 13, 2011, 05:05:43 AM Quote Thats all he did at Auburn. He delegated – not coached. Took all the credit when they did well and canned assistants when they didn’t. Tuberville is a d**che rocket. That was his M.O. at the barn....point the finger at other coaches, fire and repacle. Well, Lowett knows the drill. He last just 2 years with TT at Boogerville. :dunno: |