Title: Nagurski finalists Mark Barron, Morris Claiborne have eyes on bigger prize Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on December 13, 2011, 07:24:13 AM http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/12/nagurski_finalists_mark_barron.html
Quote Game of the Century II. Redeaux in the Bayou, as Sporting News writer Matt Hayes has dubbed the game. Some are calling it the real SEC championship game. Whatever it's called, there is no denying the matchup has created a great buzz, not just in the Southeast, but across the country. The teams haven't scored a touchdown against each other this season, and the first game took overtime to determine a winner. All the hype and anticipation that surrounded the first meeting will seem like whispers in comparison to the rematch. "I expect it's going to be a good game," said Claiborne. "Both teams are going to come with it just like the last time. We pretty much know what they're going to do and they pretty much know what we're going to do. We're two equal teams, and we're going to go out there and have a battle." Barron said he hopes the result will be different but the game will probably look similar to the team's Nov. 5 meeting in Tuscaloosa. "We're a team that doesn't like to lose and me as a competitor, I don't like to lose," he said. "Together, we get an opportunity to redeem ourselves and then it's also a national championship game. That's very exciting for me and my teammates." Title: Re: Nagurski finalists Mark Barron, Morris Claiborne have eyes on bigger prize Post by: Chechem on December 13, 2011, 07:31:22 AM Good find, Crisp.
These national awards have added excitement to the game for the rest of the nation. Us, we've been waiting excitedly since #13. :tinfoil: Title: Re: Nagurski finalists Mark Barron, Morris Claiborne have eyes on bigger prize Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on December 13, 2011, 08:20:18 AM Good find, Crisp. These national awards have added excitement to the game for the rest of the nation. Us, we've been waiting excitedly since #13. :tinfoil: THat is the atitude the players have. We have unfinished buisness in New Orleans! Screw all these individual awards. The Nagurski award given to Boston College's Luke Kuechly is just a joke. Bypassed Morris Claiborne and Mark Barron. The two best safeties in college football both headed to play for the NFL on Sundays. Mark Barron is gonna wait and get his award on January 9th. #ROLLTIDE!!!!! |