Title: More Info on Pervert Jerry Sandusky of Penn State Post by: Marshal Dillon on December 14, 2011, 09:20:12 PM Excellent article on Sandusky. What Sandusky and his lawyer should not be entitled to is a bully pulpit which is currently being afforded to them by my brethren, the media. If Sandusky wants a presumption of innocence, he needs to shut up. No seriously, he and his lawyer need to shut up. They do not get to publicly call the victims liars and have nobody fire back. They do not get to drop sports analogies — as they did Tuesday — about fighting for all four quarters, like we are talking about a game against Wisconsin rather than the alleged forcible rape of young boys and not be judged. Sandusky does not get to tell Bob Costas he enjoys the company of young boys and has showered with young boys and he is unsure why they would lie about his sweet, clean intentions and then expect to get a jury of his peers with open minds. http://msn.foxsports.com/collegefootball/story/Jerry-Sandusky-Joe-Amendola-shouldnt-say-another-word-until-court-121411 |