Title: "Sal Sunseri to Pitt a Possibility" Post by: Chechem on December 15, 2011, 05:51:30 AM Quote The name of Sal Sunseri has been mentioned a few times with regard to the now open position at Pitt, but at least some of the early speculation seems to be leaning towards other candidates. A sampling of potential candidates, per the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Pitt is in trouble. It needs to act fast. But don't hurry. Names you will be hearing in the coming days as a possible successor to Graham: Paul Rhoads: He's the head coach at Iowa State when he has gone 18-19 in three seasons. He is 9-16 in the Big 12. His biggest win was this year, a 37-31 win over Oklahoma State on Nov. 18 that kept the Cowboys out of the national championship game. Last year, Iowa State beat No. 19 Texas... For what it's worth, a more exhaustive listing by another Pitt writer does not mention Sunseri either. Of course, none of that is to say that Sunseri could not become a candidate at some point, and given his past and present Pitt ties, combined with his interview for the position last year, it would not surprise anyone if he legitimately became a serious candidate in the near future. Nevertheless, it is somewhat relieving to not have Sunseri mentioned so heavily from several of those closest to the situation... http://www.rollbamaroll.com/2011/12/14/2636958/sal-sunseri-to-pitt-a-possibility-but-other-candidates-emerge |