Title: "Penn State QB Matt McGloin KO’d by teammate in locker room." Post by: Chechem on December 18, 2011, 05:32:37 AM Quote Penn State issued a press release Saturday evening addressing the locker room incident that took place earlier today. Here’s the release, in its entirety: Penn State Police were called to the football locker room this afternoon to investigate a report of a fight between two members of the Nittany Lions football team — Matt McGloin and Curtis Drake — after they finished practice. McGloin was taken to Mount Nittany Medical Center where he was examined, treated and released. Campus police and Penn State’s Office of Judicial Affairs will investigate the incident and report results as they would for any other student involved in an incident on campus. __________________________ While the details are still sketchy, there was reportedly a physical altercation Saturday in the Penn State locker room involving a Nittany Lions quarterback and an offensive teammate that rendered the former laid out at the hands — or fists — of the latter. Update: Quote McGloin’s father told Ron Mussleman of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that “his son suffered [a] seizure today and has [a] possible concussion.” McGloin’s currently at his residence after being taken to the hospital. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/12/17/matt-mcgloin-kod-by-teammate-following-penn-state-practice/:dunno: :dunno: Title: Re: "Penn State QB Matt McGloin KO’d by teammate in locker room." Post by: XBAMA on December 18, 2011, 08:26:51 AM the nittnay locker rooms and showers are a dangerous place :o
(http://www.acfafish.com/cms/phpBB2/download/file.php?id=1509) Title: Re: "Penn State QB Matt McGloin KO’d by teammate in locker room." Post by: BAMAWV on December 19, 2011, 04:42:03 AM the nittnay locker rooms and showers are a dangerous place :o I'm with XBAMA. If that is the worst that happens in that locker room thank your lucky stars. (http://www.acfafish.com/cms/phpBB2/download/file.php?id=1509) |