Title: Figuring out who has a BCS edge Post by: Yellow Pup on December 19, 2011, 06:07:17 PM DecaturDaily.com (http://decaturdaily.com/stories/Figuring-out-who-has-a-BCS-edge,89107) :tinfoil:
Title: Re: Figuring out who has a BCS edge Post by: Chechem on December 20, 2011, 05:56:05 AM This writer must be a Booger.
Title: Re: Figuring out who has a BCS edge Post by: Jamos on December 20, 2011, 06:29:22 AM I agree with him about the special teams edge that LSU has, hopefully Bama will have their "game of the year" with their kicking game this time though. I also think that it's important that LSU stop Richardson on the run but I think they better watch out for Richardson on the pass play as well, his all purpose yards may overshadow his rushing yards and be the difference in the game. JMO Roll Tide!!