Title: "Virginia Tech kicker suspended after arrest" Post by: Chechem on December 23, 2011, 05:43:42 AM Quote Virginia Tech kicker Cody Journell has been suspended indefinitely after being charged with breaking and entering, athletic director Jim Weaver said. Journell, 20, was one of three men charged Wednesday night after an alleged home invasion, Blacksburg police said.... http://espn.go.com/college-football/bowls11/story/_/id/7380277/virginia-tech-hokies-kicker-cody-journell-suspended-arrest Seems that only the wrong people in that town have guns. :dunno: :popcorn2: Title: Re: "Virginia Tech kicker suspended after arrest" Post by: 2Stater on December 23, 2011, 06:04:17 AM Quote Virginia Tech kicker Cody Journell has been suspended indefinitely after being charged with breaking and entering, athletic director Jim Weaver said. Journell, 20, was one of three men charged Wednesday night after an alleged home invasion, Blacksburg police said.... http://espn.go.com/college-football/bowls11/story/_/id/7380277/virginia-tech-hokies-kicker-cody-journell-suspended-arrest Seems that only the wrong people in that town have guns. :dunno: :popcorn2: No kidding! At least nobody was killed this time. :-\ Title: Re: "Virginia Tech kicker suspended after arrest" Post by: BAMAWV on December 23, 2011, 06:06:31 AM Quote Virginia Tech kicker Cody Journell has been suspended indefinitely after being charged with breaking and entering, athletic director Jim Weaver said. Journell, 20, was one of three men charged Wednesday night after an alleged home invasion, Blacksburg police said.... http://espn.go.com/college-football/bowls11/story/_/id/7380277/virginia-tech-hokies-kicker-cody-journell-suspended-arrest Seems that only the wrong people in that town have guns. :dunno: :popcorn2: "MY other smoking jacket is KEVLAR" "Remington Gun Oil: Guns that don't shoot KILL" "My neighbor is anti-gun and goes to bed around 10:30" "Don't need to calculate windage with the barrel up his ass" (one for the fart crowd) "We don't seem to have the same caliber of students..." "Shoot the Ones With Tenure" "That'll teach 'em to not learn the words to the alma mater" "Yeah, maybe that bullying is getting bad!" "Notice anything different since we became tobacco free?" Title: Re: "Virginia Tech kicker suspended after arrest" Post by: BAMAWV on December 23, 2011, 08:51:07 AM Quote Virginia Tech kicker Cody Journell has been suspended indefinitely after being charged with breaking and entering, athletic director Jim Weaver said. Journell, 20, was one of three men charged Wednesday night after an alleged home invasion, Blacksburg police said.... http://espn.go.com/college-football/bowls11/story/_/id/7380277/virginia-tech-hokies-kicker-cody-journell-suspended-arrest Seems that only the wrong people in that town have guns. :dunno: :popcorn2: "MY other smoking jacket is KEVLAR" "Remington Gun Oil: Guns that don't shoot KILL" "My neighbor is anti-gun and goes to bed around 10:30" "Don't need to calculate windage with the barrel up his ass" (one for the fart crowd) "We don't seem to have the same caliber of students..." "Shoot the Ones With Tenure" "That'll teach 'em to not learn the words to the alma mater" "Yeah, maybe that bullying is getting bad!" "Notice anything different since we became tobacco free?" Title: Re: "Virginia Tech kicker suspended after arrest" Post by: cbbama99 on December 23, 2011, 12:49:02 PM Quote Virginia Tech kicker Cody Journell has been suspended indefinitely after being charged with breaking and entering, athletic director Jim Weaver said. Journell, 20, was one of three men charged Wednesday night after an alleged home invasion, Blacksburg police said.... http://espn.go.com/college-football/bowls11/story/_/id/7380277/virginia-tech-hokies-kicker-cody-journell-suspended-arrest Seems that only the wrong people in that town have guns. :dunno: :popcorn2: "MY other smoking jacket is KEVLAR" "Remington Gun Oil: Guns that don't shoot KILL" "My neighbor is anti-gun and goes to bed around 10:30" "Don't need to calculate windage with the barrel up his ass" (one for the fart crowd) "We don't seem to have the same caliber of students..." "Shoot the Ones With Tenure" "That'll teach 'em to not learn the words to the alma mater" "Yeah, maybe that bullying is getting bad!" "Notice anything different since we became tobacco free?" "Guns don't kill people. I do." |