Title: Transcript: Joe Paterno’s Grand Jury Testimony Post by: Yellow Pup on December 23, 2011, 04:29:32 PM Transcript Here (http://www.sportsbybrooks.com/transcript-joe-paterno-grand-jury-testimony-29933) :think:
Title: Re: Transcript: Joe Paterno’s Grand Jury Testimony Post by: BAMAWV on December 23, 2011, 08:47:09 PM Transcript Here (http://www.sportsbybrooks.com/transcript-joe-paterno-grand-jury-testimony-29933) :think: Not so much impressed with the prosecutorial zeal. But the GJ testimony has McQueary on record and Jopa on record. While their versions somewhat coincided at first glance, McQueary has been indicating he'll not be the fall guy. Protecting Paterno's sensibilities? If this was Woolly I'd give you what he told Paterno that morning. I promise that was nowhere close to Paterno's version to the GJ. Read back over what Paterno said McQueary told him that Saturday morning-- laughable attempt at lying to a grand jury-- one of the same charges of which they found slick Willie guilty. I'm not going away without mentioning the rumor question. Joe might have heard something- he doesn't really recall. He can't possibly remember all the "Sandusky is a queer" rumors he has heard, nor who he was with when they came up. So he's hedging with the "maybe, I don't recall, not sure" stuff to cover in case a video him saying, "Sandusky is a faggot child rapist but if we run him off it'll draw more attention to PSU" appears on UTUBE. These evil wrongs can never be made right. Our society does not do what these people deserve. But how about a year in jail, for every 24 hour period Paterno waited to contact Curly, after the first 24. An additional year should be tagged on for hiring an official with a kid on the team (maybe nephew or close) against Bama when we were cheated out of the game winning end zone TD reception. Title: Re: Transcript: Joe Paterno’s Grand Jury Testimony Post by: XBAMA on December 23, 2011, 08:56:29 PM the "didn't want to ruin their weekend" statement just kills me ... >:(
Quote I ordinarily would have called people right away, but it was a Saturday morning and I didn’t want to interfere with their weekends. Title: Re: Transcript: Joe Paterno’s Grand Jury Testimony Post by: bamalum67 on December 24, 2011, 07:26:42 AM One of two things:
Either he has Alzheimer's, or he is a lying sack of dogcrap. Title: Re: Transcript: Joe Paterno’s Grand Jury Testimony Post by: Yellow Pup on December 24, 2011, 07:46:08 AM One thing: He is a lying sack of dogcrap. Talk what you are.......Just Saying. :-\ Title: Re: Transcript: Joe Paterno’s Grand Jury Testimony Post by: Chechem on December 24, 2011, 08:32:16 AM I'm not especially experienced in trials, but there was much vague testimony allowed by JoPa. I would have expected him to be questioned about the vague information/details during cross examination. Guess we don't have that. It appears to me that JoPa was rehearsed, or at least presented the facts in a light that allowed him an out for every stage of his handling the information. |