Title: Champions Vs Losers Post by: crtuneman on January 10, 2012, 02:58:45 PM I have been hearing all the talk from fans of lesser conferences like Big12 (or whatever) and Pac12, and they are all whining about how unfair the BCS is. A bunch of losers have even opined that there never is a national champion in football because there is no playoffs. All of this whining makes me laugh and feel pity for these fans who have to root for lesser teams. My reply to them is this: losers whine and complain about how unfair this is, or how worthless that is, because they didn't get the chance to play or they didn't like the teams that did get to play. Losers whine and complain when they lose. Champions like Alabama and LSU don't whine. They just get pissed and then they go home and work harder. Champions say "I have to get stronger, faster, smarter, and work harder so that we can be in the game next year and win it." This is why Okie St, Oregon, Texas, and these others will never be national champions; because all they know how to do is whine. When Bama lost to LSU last year we didn't whine about how unfair life was. Nor did our coaches or players whine and complain. They got pissed and said we need to work harder. Then they did so, and now they are national champs. Mike Gundy will always be a loser because all he does is whine. I almost feel sorry for Okie ST fans because they will never be champions because they don't have the will to be champions. My favorite line from the movie The Rock is when Sean Connery says Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and **** the prom queen.
Title: Re: Champions Vs Losers Post by: MLB10 on January 10, 2012, 07:46:54 PM He isn't running to schedule SEC teams either, is he? If you recognize the SEC gets the cred, do something about it!!!