Title: Game not a re-run Post by: Elephantidae on January 11, 2012, 02:16:45 PM I read a comment/joke somewhere Monday evening that they were looking for something to watch on TV but it was all re-runs. This was not a re-run but a sequel in the best Hollywood style. In the 1st release the evil corn dog villains and the pure hearted elephantine good guys battle to a draw only to see the corn dog villains apparently triumph as the film ends. In the sequel the pure of heart elephantine good guys come back strong and throttle the corn dogs like never before and save the world from corn dogs and their incessant chanting of "Tiger Bait" which btw doesn't even make sense.
Title: Re: Game not a re-run Post by: 2Stater on January 11, 2012, 02:39:54 PM I love happy endings. :popcorn2: