Title: Nick Saban's statue updated to reflect Alabama's 14th national championship Post by: pmull on January 19, 2012, 04:34:10 PM (http://media.al.com/sports_impact/photo/10464783-large.jpg)
Alabama updated Nick Saban's statue Thursday to reflect the Crimson Tide's 14th national championship in football. A fresh etched "2011" appeared next to the "2009," both years signifying the two national championship teams Saban has coached at Alabama. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/01/nick_sabans_statue_updated_to.html Title: Re: Nick Saban's statue updated to reflect Alabama's 14th national championship Post by: 2Stater on January 19, 2012, 04:36:19 PM I hope the area where they are etching those is really big. :D
Title: Re: Nick Saban's statue updated to reflect Alabama's 14th national championship Post by: Merk on January 19, 2012, 07:39:07 PM It's really unbelievable the impact this man has had in such a short span of time at Bama.
RTR, Coach! You are the best. #+ #+ |