Title: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: Chechem on January 26, 2012, 05:46:57 AM (http://media.al.com/sports_impact/photo/10486775-large.jpg)
http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/01/joe_namath_showed_up_with_hang.html Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: XBAMA on January 26, 2012, 09:29:04 AM 8:00 pm Saturday night , sure don't want to miss it
thanks for the heads up Chech ! Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 26, 2012, 09:18:41 PM Perfect timing! I just got an e-mail from DirecTV saying that HBO is going to have a free preview this weekend.
Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: XBAMA on January 26, 2012, 09:29:21 PM I can usually stream it on firstrow.tv in a pinch ...
ustream has some hbo shows streaming as well at times just in case someone is interested Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: XBAMA on January 26, 2012, 10:12:41 PM want to see a preview ?
http://www.hbo.com/sports/namath/synopsis/about.html#/sports/namath/video/coach-bryants-tower.html/eNrjcmbOYM5nLtQsy0xJzXfMS8ypLMlMds7PK0mtKFHPz0mBCQUkpqf6JeamcjIyskknlpbkF+QkVtqWFJWmsjGyMQIAWCcXOA== there are several , this is when he came to Alabama as a high school senior Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: XBAMA on January 26, 2012, 10:26:06 PM on Joe throwing the ball , "you didn't have to look to know the ball was thrown , you could hear it"
http://www.hbo.com/sports/namath/synopsis/about.html#/sports/namath/video/the-throwing-style.html/eNrjcmbOYM5nLtQsy0xJzXfMS8ypLMlMds7PK0mtKFHPz0mBCQUkpqf6JeamcjIyskknlpbkF+QkVtqWFJWmsjGyMQIAWCcXOA== Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: SUPERCOACH on January 26, 2012, 11:36:54 PM I watched all of the clips. I am looking forward to this show.
Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: bamalum67 on January 27, 2012, 07:08:14 AM A couple of guys from my hometown of Attalla were recruited by CPBB, and as freshmen, told us back home of this guy from PA who was a "wild child", but a helluva quarterback.
The guys didn't make it, but the QB did..big time. Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: MLB10 on January 28, 2012, 08:11:54 PM My history teacher in high school was a former majorette at alabama and she dated joe namath when she went to alabama...probably like half the majorettes and cheerleaders at the time.
Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: bamalum67 on January 28, 2012, 08:58:37 PM About the cheerleaders, etc..not so sure..Joe was something of a wallflower..he did like to play pool, play pickup Basketball at the old Edu dept gym, and sort of kept to himself a lot. I saw him a few times with a girl here and there off campus..and to be brutally honest, they were not cheerleader material.
Not to say he didn't give one a whirl a time or two, but from what I remember, the sorority girls and the campus beauties at Alabama did not go around with jocks and common folk. Now, in NYC with the Jets..whole different story! Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: XBAMA on January 28, 2012, 09:07:25 PM did anyone catch the show ? :dunno:
Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: 2Stater on January 28, 2012, 10:06:58 PM did anyone catch the show ? :dunno: I just finished watching it. I recorded it. Excellent! Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: XBAMA on January 28, 2012, 10:15:10 PM I couldn't get it ... and believe me I tried
got all sorts of movie channels but not HBO (wifepickedthepackage) how long did it take Joe to learn to speak CPBB ? :clap: Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: 2Stater on January 28, 2012, 10:22:02 PM I couldn't get it ... and believe me I tried got all sorts of movie channels but not HBO (wifepickedthepackage) how long did it take Joe to learn to speak CPBB ? :clap: Not long. :lol: I took advantage of the free HBO weekend that SC posted about and set the DVR to record about anything that looked interesting. I did the same thing 2 weeks ago with Showtime. My free space is at about 30% because of all the movies I have recorded and I still have 2 more days of recording to go. Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on January 29, 2012, 02:07:33 AM If you are an Alabama fan, you need to watch the Namath documentary on HBO or turn in your Bama card. That simple.
Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: Chechem on January 29, 2012, 06:58:02 AM I thought the documentary was honest and revealing. It was a good mix of historical review and insights added by Namath about events of his career.
Thanks for the comments, Crisp. Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: brainman62 on January 29, 2012, 08:58:20 AM Good documentary. I enjoyed it, especially getting to see some of the old pics of Joe and CPBB.
Usually when I watch something like this, I pick up on a few nuggets of knowledge. Like the part about his college entrance scores and not being able to get into Maryland...so the coach redirected him to Bama... Wow, never knew that, but I was often curious how a kid from Beaver Falls, PA made his way to Bama in the 60s... Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: hscoach on January 29, 2012, 10:47:22 AM I also thought it was well done. One thing I think it really brought out was what a great all around athlete JWN was. I think I remember reading a book about CBB, that he said JN was the best DB on the team or something to that effect. I also didn't realize how much pain he played in all those years.
Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on January 29, 2012, 11:44:09 AM One thing I had forgot, to some extent, is the fact that back in those days the QB was the main signal caller for majority of the game.
No helmet radios, no backup QBs, no coaches, sending in the plays like today's pro games. In those times it was the skill and knowledge of the pro QB to call the right play in the huddle. Today's professional QBs don't have as much freedom unless it hot read on a blitz and a few other times. For the most part, plays are called from the pressbox or sidelines and not by the QB in the huddle. That is what made Namath and the other great QBs from that era so good. Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: MLB10 on January 29, 2012, 01:53:18 PM If you are an Alabama fan, you need to watch the Namath documentary on HBO or turn in your Bama card. That simple. where should i mail it? we gave up the cable a few months ago. PS, worth it because now my kids don't beg for crap in the commercials and they watch old stuff like spiderman and lone ranger. :clap: Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on January 29, 2012, 01:57:08 PM If you are an Alabama fan, you need to watch the Namath documentary on HBO or turn in your Bama card. That simple. where should i mail it? we gave up the cable a few months ago. PS, worth it because now my kids don't beg for crap in the commercials and they watch old stuff like spiderman and lone ranger. :clap: File for an extension. Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: bamalum67 on January 29, 2012, 03:05:05 PM Yes, it is a fact that Joe Willie was a natural athlete..he could have made the U of A basketball team..as a starter. He would often come to the old ED dept gym and play pickup games with us on Sunday afternoons. He was also a helluva pool player..often come into "Frank's" where I tended bar and played the locals until they caught onto him. I heard he shot an 82 the first time he had a golf club in his hands. And I also heard that he turned down a bonus to play for the Orioles. Just a guy from Beaver Falls PA.
My wife still has one of his first posters from his Jets days, would not part with it for mucho dinero. She had it in her office at the Admin Bldg. She had written him and he sent it to her. Never mind all the crap in later years, Joe was the best.. Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: 2Stater on January 29, 2012, 03:29:40 PM Yes, it is a fact that Joe Willie was a natural athlete..he could have made the U of A basketball team..as a starter. He would often come to the old ED dept gym and play pickup games with us on Sunday afternoons. He was also a helluva pool player..often come into "Frank's" where I tended bar and played the locals until they caught onto him. I heard he shot an 82 the first time he had a golf club in his hands. And I also heard that he turned down a bonus to play for the Orioles. Just a guy from Beaver Falls PA. My wife still has one of his first posters from his Jets days, would not part with it for mucho dinero. She had it in her office at the Admin Bldg. She had written him and he sent it to her. Never mind all the crap in later years, Joe was the best.. The pre-knee injury years really showed on those films just how great an athlete he was. He was quick, fast, and could cut on a dime as good as anyone I've ever seen. As great as he was, he could have been even better. Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on January 29, 2012, 03:45:29 PM Yes, it is a fact that Joe Willie was a natural athlete..he could have made the U of A basketball team..as a starter. He would often come to the old ED dept gym and play pickup games with us on Sunday afternoons. He was also a helluva pool player..often come into "Frank's" where I tended bar and played the locals until they caught onto him. I heard he shot an 82 the first time he had a golf club in his hands. And I also heard that he turned down a bonus to play for the Orioles. Just a guy from Beaver Falls PA. My wife still has one of his first posters from his Jets days, would not part with it for mucho dinero. She had it in her office at the Admin Bldg. She had written him and he sent it to her. Never mind all the crap in later years, Joe was the best.. The pre-knee injury years really showed on those films just how great an athlete he was. He was quick, fast, and could cut on a dime as good as anyone I've ever seen. As great as he was, he could have been even better. If he had played today with all the medical advancements and knowledge ( MRIs and Oscope surgery ) he wouldn't have had so many problems. I loved those jump passes from the show. The height of his jumps pre-injury was a sight to behold. Title: Re: "Joe Namath, teammates in new HBO documentary" Post by: 2Stater on January 29, 2012, 03:49:45 PM Yes, it is a fact that Joe Willie was a natural athlete..he could have made the U of A basketball team..as a starter. He would often come to the old ED dept gym and play pickup games with us on Sunday afternoons. He was also a helluva pool player..often come into "Frank's" where I tended bar and played the locals until they caught onto him. I heard he shot an 82 the first time he had a golf club in his hands. And I also heard that he turned down a bonus to play for the Orioles. Just a guy from Beaver Falls PA. My wife still has one of his first posters from his Jets days, would not part with it for mucho dinero. She had it in her office at the Admin Bldg. She had written him and he sent it to her. Never mind all the crap in later years, Joe was the best.. The pre-knee injury years really showed on those films just how great an athlete he was. He was quick, fast, and could cut on a dime as good as anyone I've ever seen. As great as he was, he could have been even better. If he had played today with all the medical advancements and knowledge ( MRIs and Oscope surgery ) he wouldn't have had so many problems. I loved those jump passes from the show. The height of his jumps pre-injury was a sight to behold. That's exactly what I was telling my wife last night. |