Title: Boeing's 787 Dreamliner lands in Huntsville Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on January 28, 2012, 08:50:29 PM http://blog.al.com/breaking/2012/01/boeings_dreamliner_lands_in_hu.html#incart_hbx
Boeing's Dreamliner lands in Huntsville to give employees look at aircraft they helped create (with video) Quote Capt. Mike Bryan - a 1979 Grissom High School graduate - brought what Boeing calls "the first all-new airplane of the 21st Century" to a stop at Huntsville International Airport. "I knew I wanted to do this trip," he said after being greeted by his mom and dad, Ardith and Lee Bryan, and other family. "How could I not? It was just a real joy to bring it in here." Capt. Bryan, Boeing's 787 Engineering Project Pilot, and crew flew the Dreamliner here directly from Dublin, Ireland, as part of a worldwide "Dream Tour" for the new aircraft. The plane's weekend stop in Huntsville is a "thank you" to the more than 600 engineers and others in Boeing's Huntsville Design Center and Advanced Systems Group who contributed to its design. The all-new design had its share of delays along the way, but the gamble appears to be paying off. Boeing delivered the first 787 to an airline in September of 2011, and says it has orders from 59 customers for 870 Dreamliners worth a total of more than $178 billion. They are being built in Everett, Wash., and a new plant in Charleston, S.C. #+ Use to only allow Jetliners with 4 engines to cross the oceans of the world. This jetliner has enough power to fly with only one engine if other fails. Truly amazing machine built in the good ole USA! Title: Re: Boeing's 787 Dreamliner lands in Huntsville Post by: XBAMA on January 28, 2012, 10:04:43 PM Use to only allow Jetliners with 4 engines to cross the oceans of the world. This jetliner has enough power to fly with only one engine if other fails. Truly amazing machine built in the good ole USA! one of my kids works on these planes in Charleston ... he sent me pics from inside the plant there but I seem to have misplaced some of them , from what I've seen it's really a awesome plane ... and plant ! the inside (http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/1/2713561841.png) (http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/718783/1148593) Title: Re: Boeing's 787 Dreamliner lands in Huntsville Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on January 30, 2012, 08:27:25 AM Hmm...wish I'd known when it was landing, I would've tried to sneak a peak.