Title: Basketball: "38 Days til Selection Sunday: Bama's position" Post by: Chechem on February 03, 2012, 05:25:26 AM Quote Despite a rocky road the last two-three weeks, the Crimson Tide basketball team is still in pretty good position to make the NCAA Tournament. As we hit the home stretch of college basketball season and the Tide chases a bid to the Big Dance, we'll provide updates at the beginning of each week showing the latest projections for the Tide's seeding and the latest look at the Tide's resume according to our usual method of breaking down Bama's results... http://www.rollbamaroll.com/2012/2/2/2766332/38-days-til-selection-sunday-bamas-positionThorough review of where we stand. Just keep winning and we keep playing. Looking good. :popcorn2: :popcorn2: Title: Re: Basketball: "38 Days til Selection Sunday: Bama's position" Post by: pmull on February 03, 2012, 09:12:28 AM We are still in good shape. We need to reel off a string of wins and lock up a NCAA bid. The SEC Tourament is more fun when you are playing for NCAA seeding rather than your NCAA invitation.
We have Ole Miss at home tomorrow. That is a must win. Title: Re: Basketball: "38 Days til Selection Sunday: Bama's position" Post by: Marshal Dillon on February 03, 2012, 09:26:02 AM Quote Despite a rocky road the last two-three weeks, the Crimson Tide basketball team is still in pretty good position to make the NCAA Tournament. As we hit the home stretch of college basketball season and the Tide chases a bid to the Big Dance, we'll provide updates at the beginning of each week showing the latest projections for the Tide's seeding and the latest look at the Tide's resume according to our usual method of breaking down Bama's results... http://www.rollbamaroll.com/2012/2/2/2766332/38-days-til-selection-sunday-bamas-positionThorough review of where we stand. Just keep winning and we keep playing. Looking good. :popcorn2: :popcorn2: This is an old cliche, but we have to beat the teams we are suppossed to beat, period. If we screw up and lose to Auburn and Ole Miss, things will turn gloomy fast. I really think we can go at least 8-2, maybe even 9-1 the rest of the way. The big question mark is, what is going on with this team? Is Mitchell going to continue to pout, what about Greene, where is his head at? This game against Ole Miss is so huge, like pmull says, we HAVE to win. :D Title: Re: Basketball: "38 Days til Selection Sunday: Bama's position" Post by: pmull on February 03, 2012, 09:41:25 AM I am hoping the off time with the mid week bye will get us refocused for the stretch run. Like MD said we need to win the games weare supposed to win. We need all home games and pick up a few winable games on the road.