Title: "Early enrollees adjust to Cochran, walking to class in the rain" Post by: Chechem on February 04, 2012, 04:33:49 AM Quote The new blood in Tuscaloosa is getting used to the college routine while their classmates are back in high school. http://dailybamablog.com/2012/02/03/early-enrollees-adjust-to-cochran-walking-in-rain/TUSCALOOSA — Alphonse Taylor played it cool at first. Nah, college isn’t that much different for the defensive lineman who left high school a semester early for Alabama’s spring practice schedule. School is school, right? But Davidson High in Mobile doesn’t have a Scott Cochran. Alabama’s eternally red-lining strength and conditioning coach, Taylor and the other early enrollees said, separates the culture shift of the last month. “Oh man, the guy’s intense. He’s intense,” a wide-eyed Taylor said.............. Cute finish to the story. Title: Re: "Early enrollees adjust to Cochran, walking to class in the rain" Post by: 2Stater on February 04, 2012, 04:49:56 AM Quote “Walking to class in the rain,” he said. “I didn’t know you had to do that.” :lol: I guess he was expecting a limo. Title: Re: "Early enrollees adjust to Cochran, walking to class in the rain" Post by: Chechem on February 04, 2012, 05:18:28 AM Quote “Walking to class in the rain,” he said. “I didn’t know you had to do that.” :lol: I guess he was expecting a limo. I get the feeling he was riding around campus in a golf cart during the recruiting period. "Hey, Yeldon, you're a student too. Walk like one." :clap: Reminds me of the 1960s. I used to see fb players walking around campus with a football. Coach Bryant made 'em carry a football to class if they fumbled. True. Usually the football had a handle fashioned from adhesive tape (to ease carrying). Different times. Title: Re: "Early enrollees adjust to Cochran, walking to class in the rain" Post by: Jamos on February 04, 2012, 06:22:46 AM Cochran is very essential to this team, when the new ones come in he has them ready for the big day with CNS, the first day of practice. :clap:
Title: Re: "Early enrollees adjust to Cochran, walking to class in the rain" Post by: 2Stater on February 04, 2012, 06:28:00 AM Cochran is very essential to this team, when the new ones come in he has them ready for the big day with CNS, the first day of practice. :clap: There's nobody like him, anywhere. We're lucky to have him. (http://media.al.com/sports_impact/photo/9171396-large.jpg) Title: Re: "Early enrollees adjust to Cochran, walking to class in the rain" Post by: BAMAWV on February 04, 2012, 07:07:39 AM Quote “Walking to class in the rain,” he said. “I didn’t know you had to do that.” :lol: I guess he was expecting a limo. I get the feeling he was riding around campus in a golf cart during the recruiting period. "Hey, Yeldon, you're a student too. Walk like one." :clap: Reminds me of the 1960s. I used to see fb players walking around campus with a football. Coach Bryant made 'em carry a football to class if they fumbled. True. Usually the football had a handle fashioned from adhesive tape (to ease carrying). Different times. A baby bird just fell out of the sky and landed on the hood of my truck. The woman and I are watching to see if additional care will be needed, with much of the winter remaining. She says he is either eating or flopping, but putting her boots on to investigate. Where is Chech when I need him? Title: Re: "Early enrollees adjust to Cochran, walking to class in the rain" Post by: Chechem on February 04, 2012, 07:49:18 AM Quote “Walking to class in the rain,” he said. “I didn’t know you had to do that.” :lol: I guess he was expecting a limo. I get the feeling he was riding around campus in a golf cart during the recruiting period. "Hey, Yeldon, you're a student too. Walk like one." :clap: Reminds me of the 1960s. I used to see fb players walking around campus with a football. Coach Bryant made 'em carry a football to class if they fumbled. True. Usually the football had a handle fashioned from adhesive tape (to ease carrying). Different times. A baby bird just fell out of the sky and landed on the hood of my truck. The woman and I are watching to see if additional care will be needed, with much of the winter remaining. She says he is either eating or flopping, but putting her boots on to investigate. Where is Chech when I need him? No baby birds this time of year. Even the vultures wait until February to nest. Must just be a small tot. |